The following required functionality is completed:
- A teacher can see a list of assignments with title and due date.
- Tapping an assignment shows a top section with the assignment details, followed by a list of student submissions for the assignment. The list contains the student's name, avatar, and the date of submission.
- Tapping a submission shows the full submission details.
The following Optional functionality is completed:
- pull to refresh the list of assignments and submissions
- Load more assignments when scrolling to the bottom
- Add a button that shows a view to create a new assignment. The assignment should be added to the assignment view and be selectable. The new assignment should only be created on the client (no API call to create the assignment on the server).
The following Additional features are implemented:
- Leveraged the data binding support module
- Added placeholder images for assignment items.
- Added a Splash screen.
- Handled orientation change
- Fixed crashes and handled no response and error response from server
- Database support for creating new assignments using DBFlow ORM
- Resolved Android Lint issues
- Add a new app icon
- Used Vector images wherever possible
- Use of material design and cardview
- Models are parcelable
- Progress bars are shown during network calls
- Handled Back stack navigation
- Used third party libraries like Glide, DBFlow, Retrofit
- Managed all stories in a Trello Board:
- Confirm dialog when user hits back on Create screen
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories: