Use iOS CallKit and Android's Telecom library to create and receive calls with native functionality. e.g. Calls pop up on user's lock screen.
To use this plugin, add flutter_zvoip_kit
as a [dependency in your pubspec.yaml file]
IOS: Add Voip background modes in Xcode
Add Permissions in Android Manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
Add Service in Android Manifest. You can change android:label to fit your project
<service android:name="com.flutter_zvoip_kit.VoipConnectionService"
<action android:name="android.telecom.ConnectionService" />
Be sure to check out th example project in /example
Initialize FlutterZVoipKit. Pass in a reference to your CallStateChange handler function that you will setup to handle all VOIP events (see below)
A callback function that you set up to handle all VOIP events. This function must handle every CallState and return true/false. If you forget to handle a call state your VOIP calls may fail. For example:
Future<bool> myCallStateChangeHandler(call) async {
dev.log("widget call state changed lisener: $call");
switch (call.callState) {//handle every call state
case CallState
.connecting: //simulate connection time of 3 seconds for our VOIP service
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
return true;
case CallState
.active: //here we would likely begin playing audio out of speakers
return true;
case CallState.ended: //likely end audio, disconnect
return true;
case CallState.failed: //likely cleanup
return true;
case CallState.held: //likely pause audio for specified call
return true;
return false;
Listen to this stream for updates on active calls. Add to your array, bloc, or however you want to manage calls. Example
FlutterZVoipKit.callListStream.listen((allCalls) {
setState(() {
calls = allCalls;
Report that your device has been notified of an incoming call. Do not perform any connection logic yet, the connection logic is placed in your myCallStateChanged callback. Instead, just report you are receiving call and wait for native OS to inform if you should connect or not
Inform native OS you wish to start a call. Do not perform any conenction logic here, the connection logic is placed in your myCallStateChanged callback. Instead, just report to OS you wish to start a call and wait for native OS to inform you if you should connect or not
Tell OS to end the call. Do not perform logic, perform logic in myCallStateChanged callback
Tell OS to set call on hold or not. Do not perform logic, perform logic in myCallStateChanged callback