A desktop with an emphasis on functionality and cohesive design. Made with ❤️ and AwesomeWM.
Installation instructions can be found here.
- Feature-packed dashboard with Task/Timewarrior, Google calendar, and ledger-cli integrations
- Hot reload theme with optional integration with other applications
- Kitty session launcher
- Custom (and significantly simpler) way of defining keybinds
- Restore window position on restart
- Timewarrior dashboard tab
- Alternate calendar tab view
- Sort options for Task tab
- Screenshot and screen recorder tool
- Bluetooth and audio control widgets

I've spent a lot of time tweaking this setup to be just the way I like it, so now this setup feels very personal, comfortable, and cozy.
Why write this with Awesome and not a "proper" UI framework?
I started out making simple things like a fancy bar and then over the course of a year it slowly but steadily turned into whatever this is. I'm in too deep. Also, AWM is unbelievably easy to use and development with it is really, really fast, and since this is just a hobby and this stuff has nothing to do with my career skillset, starting over with a different framework would be a waste of time.