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Hydrogen Wave Function Visualisation Program

example : |4, 2, -1> && |11, 5, 1> with added `material:full` iso value layer

Credits : this visualization of hydrogen is largely inspired by Dr. Bernd Thaller's quantum graphics gallery

Objective : partially reproducing Dr. Bernd Thaller's hydrogen visualization program for the web for easier access ( and for fun :) )

User-side docs

First Input : Quantum Parameters

  • 3 quantum numbers describe the electron state (omitting the spin):
    • N : main
    • L : orbital
    • M : magnetic
  • You can either display the modulus of the wave function $|\Psi(r,\theta)|$ or its density of probability $r^2 \sin(\theta) |\Psi(r,\theta)|^2$
  • The precision slider will change the density of sampled points in the subset of the 3d space.
  • When ready, press apply. The values entered needs to be validated against a set of rules, if an error occur, it will be displayed on top.

Input : Iso values

In this visualization, we first evaluate the wave function (modulus or density) in a subset of the 3D space, then we choose a value (iso value) that will be used to decide what positions to retain (where the function evaluates to that value). The surfaces are then generated out of those positions.

the subset size of the 3d space is relative to the average radius : $\frac{3}{2Z}[n^2 - l(l+1)]$

On apply, a first iso value is inputted corresponding to the multiplication of the average of both the radial and the angular function.

To add new iso values:

  1. Input a value not too far from the initial values (like 5x, 10x)
  2. Then, choose the type of material (full, cut-see-through,...), wireframe is an option that shows the vertexes.
  3. When done, press add.

Once its added :

  • the visibility can be toggled on and off by the checkbox on the left side
  • the iso surface can be removed with x

Output : Gui Selection

You can either show:

  • the iso surfaces (3d visualization), (default option)
  • the two functions (radial and angular) forming the hydrogen wave function : $\Psi = Y_l^m(\theta, \phi) R_{n_r,l} (r)$

Output : Color Interpretation

The wave function is complex, a trick to represent both part in a real space is to assign the shape to its modulus (or to a density function), and then assign the remaining complex phase to colors (their hue).

The color is represented using HSL values (hue, saturation, luminosity)

  • the saturation is always set to 1.0
  • the luminosity follows the modulus. Higher iso values gets brighter colors.
  • the hue represent the phase (which also include the sign of the wave function).
    • in case of a positive wave function, the phase is $m \phi$ : $e^{i m \phi}$
    • when negative : -1 = $e^{i\pi}$ would add $\pi$ to the phase : $e^{i (m \phi + \pi)}$

link for more info (Dr. Bernd Thaller)

Technical-side docs

Technologies used :

  • Svelte : front end framework
  • Rust -> Wasm : data structures and methods defined in a better suited language for intensive calculation. The methods and object creation gets called in javascript, the calculation is made in the wasm program, then a pointer to the final data is sent to javascript for display on the web
  • Js libraries
    • Threejs (to easily use webgl and display 3d shapes)
    • Mathjax (to display latex formulas)
    • Plotly (to plot functions)

Work In Progress... for now its better to ask me directly for user-side issues or new functionality request ([email protected])