curriculum Public
Forked from functionalCS/curriculumA Modern CompSci Curriculum
HTML UpdatedDec 31, 2017 -
computer-science Public
Forked from ossu/computer-science🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
svg_generator Public
Forked from kaplanoah/svg_generatorFor making SVGs programmatically that are easy to manipulate
HTML MIT License UpdatedNov 8, 2016 -
coding-entertainment Public
Forked from krmaxwell/coding-entertainmentPuzzles, challenges, games, CTFs, and other entertainment via coding
AlgoWiki Public
Forked from vicky002/AlgoWikiRepository which contains all the links and resources on different topics of Computer Science
python-social-auth Public
Forked from omab/python-social-authSocial auth made simple
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 19, 2014 -
django-loginas Public
Forked from skorokithakis/django-loginas"Log in as user" for the Django admin.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 13, 2014 -
heroku-seoserver Public
Forked from becomingbabyman/heroku-seoserverGenerate static HTML for bots (Google, Facebook, Twitter) that don't parse javascript. Ideal for Angular, Ember, and Backbone apps. Instantly deployed to Heroku. Then route bot requests through her…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 9, 2013 -
django-social-auth Public
Forked from omab/django-social-authDjango social authentication made simple
dds-analysis Public
scraping and analyzing data from Dartmouth Dining Service's website
thehaps Public
cloud app for staying on top of local events without leaving your inbox
calendar_item Public
site where users can easily create a link that people can click to add something to their calendars
usable_image_scraper Public
publish-phil-cdc Public
Code to provide a web interface for data scraped out of the CDC's PHIL
cdc_phil_lib Public
a library of functions for scraping out the images and metadata in the CDC's Public Health Image Library
fema_lib Public
library for scraping out the images and metadata in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's photo library
django_oer Public
a mostly-dartmouth-specific project to create an OER platform
microblog-email-tools Public
Scripts for usefully interfacing with microblogs through email