PCG Cities for Cats
Welcome to Cat City!
A procedurally generated town inhabited only by stray cats. Can you discover the dark secret of what happend here? (You can't im afraid, no dark secrets have been implemented yet)
This tech demo was created in Unity by: Thomas Hsueh, Georgios Karafotias & Oliver Withington
As part of 2021's Game AI Summer School
Goal: Procedurally generate towns and then populate them with lots of autonomous stray cats
Technology used: MAP Elites to generate the underlying structure
Wave Form Collapse to dress the buildings in aesthetically pleasing structures
Navmeshes and Finite State Machines for the stray cats
Video Demo: https://youtu.be/iXfLCiOBma4
Itch.io Link: https://krellface.itch.io/city-of-cat (N.B : Generation can sometimes fail on Itch io, especially on the larger map sizes)