The Vultr Command Line Interface
vultr-cli is a command line interface for the Vultr API
vultr-cli [command]
Available Commands:
account Retrieve information about your account
api-key retrieve information about the current API key
apps Display all available applications
backups display all available backups
bare-metal bare-metal is used to access bare metal server commands
block-storage block storage commands
dns dns is used to access dns commands
firewall firewall is used to access firewall commands
help Help about any command
iso iso is used to access iso commands
network network interacts with network actions
object-storage object storage commands
os grab all available operating systems
plans get information about Vultr plans
regions get regions
reserved-ip reserved-ip lets you interact with reserved-ip
script startup script commands
server commands to interact with servers on vultr
snapshot snapshot commands
ssh-key ssh-key commands
user user commands
version Display current version of Vultr-cli
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.vultr-cli.yaml)
-h, --help help for vultr-cli
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "vultr-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
There are three ways to install vultr-cli
- Download a release from GitHub
- From source
- Package Manager
- Brew
- Snap (Coming soon)
- Chocolatey (Coming soon)
If you are to visit the vultr-cli
releases page. You can download a compiled version of vultr-cli
for you Linux/MacOS/Windows in either 32/64bit.
You will need Go installed on your machine in order to work with the source (and make if you decide to pull the repo down).
go get -u
Another way to build from source is to
git clone [email protected]:vultr/vultr-cli.git or git clone
cd vultr-cli
make build_(pass name of os + arch)
The available make build options are
- build_mac
- build_linux_386
- build_linux_amd64
- build_windows_64
- build_windows_32
Note that the latter method will install the vultr-cli
executable in builds/vultr-cli_(name of os + arch)
You will need to tap for formula
brew tap vultr/vultr-cli
Then install the formula
brew install vultr-cli
In order to use vultr-cli
you will need to export your Vultr API KEY
export VULTR_API_KEY=your_api_key
can interact with all of your Vultr resources. Here are some basic examples to get you started:
vultr-cli server list
vultr-cli server create --region <region-id> --plan <plan-id> --os <os-id> --hostname <hostname>
vultr-cli dns domain create --domain <domain-name> --ip <ip-address>
Feel free to send pull requests our way! Please see the contributing guidelines.