A server that solves search problems.
This server can get from the client variuous Single source shortest path problems and solve them with the following algorithms:
- A*
- Best First Search
- Breadth First Search (For none weighted graphs)
- Depth First Search (For none weighted graphs)
This program was developed by Gadi Didi and Ori Levy, CS students from Bar-Ilan university, Israel.
Connect to the server as client, and send search problems one by one, in a serialic order.
Connect multiple clients at once.
Download the source code from this git repository.
Complie the code:
g++ -std=c++14 *.cpp -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic -o a.out -pthread
Execute the code and connect your client. In the repository files you'll find 10 different searchable problems (Represented as a matrix).