Built With
To get a copy of this project up and running locally for development, follow the steps below.
This project utilizes Docker in order to minimize dependencies, ensure consistency across environments, and help keep your system secure.
- Install Docker
Run the local development environment (Vite + Vue.js) within Docker following the instructions below.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/gabrielu/crypto-split.git
- Change directory
cd crypto-split
- Start Vite serve via Docker
docker compose up
- Open browser to: http://localhost:5173
- Must
- Setup Docker (containerize/secure environment from possible malicious NPM packages plus broader and more reliable for engineers with different OSes as well as consistencies with online servers)
- Create/Update README
- Import CSS framework
- Build UI form
- Request data from API; Proxy
- Add assignment calculations for UI
⚠️ JavaScript is notoriously bad with numbers/currency
- Should
- Add API retry
- Add API on fail UI
- Setup code standards/consistency and enforcement thereof (e.g. .editorconfig, linting, prettify)
- Make UI responsive
- Improve accessibility
- Add unsupported browser detection & page
- Show table of existing crypto rates
- Want
- Make PWA compatible
- Optimize based on Google Chrome web optimizations
- Optimize project for remote shared in-development review (helps with quick unexpected questions that arise and need instant design or product team review)
- Later
- Setup Unit Testing (Jest)
- Setup Mock API (Mirage; Great/Critical for testing)
- Setup E2E Testing (Cypress)
- Append documentation (e.g. JSDoc)
- Add error logging
- Environmental specific config files
- Add performance metrics logging
- VSCode plugin to simplify commands??
- Create configuration to show site is updating while updates are being applied but allow for specific IP(s) access (e.g. internal office)
- SEO??
- Multi-currency support
- Multi-language support
Gabriel Urena - [email protected]