An Ansible role automating the deployment of Cuckoo Sandbox, a malware analysis system.
Current limitations:
- Only libvirt/KVM is supported right now
- Probably only works on Ubuntu 16.04
- You still need to manually write most of your <machinery>.conf
At least Ansible 2.2 is required.
- fyhertz.libvirt and fyhertz.libvirtd If libvirt is used for your VMs
- geerlingguy.nginx
- geerlingguy.mysql If you enable cuckoo distributed
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- hosts: servers
- { role: fyhertz.cuckoo, cuckoo_enable_web_interface: True}
This playbook was written to test the role inside a Vagrant box.
cd ansible-role-cuckoo/tests
vagrant up --provider libvirt
ansible-playbook -i inventory test.yml
- Simon Guigui
- Hugo Genesse
- Based on this