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What is it?

Consumed power metering node with optional environment sensors and LCD display. Features network configuration by mobile phone

Designed to work with Fusor Hub: []

Tested on WeMos D1 Mini (ESP8266) See []


  1. select device in Arduino IDE LOLIN (WEMOS) D1 R2 & Mini
  2. install libraries:

How to run?

To run this node you need:

  • Running Fusor Hub
  • Uploaded State Machine Definition to Fusor Hub. Use postman_collection.json from this repo (change provided dummy IP address to yours Fusor Hub address)

Hardware setup


Known issues with WeMos D1 Mini:

  • Failure to initialize FS (SPIFFS). Solution: change board to some other eg. Wemos D1 mini Pro, compile, change back, compile, upload.