- NASM Tutorial <- Start here
- NASM - The Netwide Assembler
- Assembly Language for x86 Processors | Kip Irvine
- Low-Level Programming: C, Assembly, and Program Execution on Intel® 64 Architecture | Igor Zhirkov
- Reverse Engineering for beginners (open-source book) | Dennis Yurichev
- http://www.stolyarov.info/books/asm_unix (russian)
- https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4579142/ (russian)
- xchg_rax|advanced Assembler
- xorpd-solutions
- PC Assembly Language | Paul A. Carter
- x86_64 Linux Assembly | Video Course
- x86 and amd64 instruction reference
- Linux insides
- Deep C (and C++)
- Learning Linux Binary Analysis
- System V Application Binary Interface AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement
- Linux Standard Base, Specifications Archive
- The Official Radare2 Book
- radare2 | First r2babies steps - Long Version
- Optimizing subroutines in assembly language, An optimization guide for x86 platforms
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition | Jon Erickson
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering | Eldad Eilam
- 8 gdb tricks you should know
- Linux syscalls table
- Searchable Linux Syscall Table for x86 and x86_64
- Complete 8086 instruction set
- BIOS Interrupt Jump Table
- Assemblers, Linkers, and Loaders Hakim Weatherspoon CS 3410 Computer Science Cornell University
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture RISC-V Edition
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture: RISC-V Edition, resources
- RISC-V Instruction Formats, Instructor: Steven Ho
- RISC-V Online Assembler
- http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LibraryArchives-StaticAndDynamic.html
- http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html
- https://amir.rachum.com/blog/2016/09/17/shared-libraries/
- https://renenyffenegger.ch/notes/development/languages/C-C-plus-plus/GCC/create-libraries/index
- https://littleosbook.github.io/