Waterdog plugin that's similar to litebans.
This plugin is still in development. If you find any issues, feel free to open an issue.
In a command line, run
mvn package
The file will be ./target/litebans-waterdodge-X.X-SNAPSHOT.jar
# What datastore to use
# Options available: h2 (local), mysql
store: h2
jdbcurl: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/litebans?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true"
dbusername: "root"
dbpassword: "password"
#This statement may cause issues on MySQL 5.7 or MariaDB versions less than 10.2.2
#If it is, disable this option.
#This also is not supported on H2 stores. Feel free to raise a PR if you want this feature.
#See https://github.com/funniray/waterdog-litebans/issues/2
checkAlts: false
#You should change this for each proxy running the server
servername: litebans
serveruuid: f15b78eda7294493b847f54b2005dd2e
SilentPrefix: "[Silent] "
BanMessage: >-
You have been banned on network.
Reason: %1$s
Punished By: %2$s
Duration: %3$s
You may appeal your ban at https://example.com
BanJoinMessage: "%s tried to join, but they were banned."
BanIPJoinMessage: "%s tried to join, but they were ipbanned."
BanBroadcast: "Player %1$s was banned by %2$s for %3$s duration: %4$s"
MuteBroadcast: "Player %1$s was muted by %2$s for %3$s duration: %4$s"
WarnBroadcast: "Player %1$s was warned by %2$s for %3$s"
KickBroadcast: "Player %1$s was banned by %2$s for %3$s"
Please note, some permissions values may be missing, however, these permissions should be similar to normal liteban's permissions.
Mod permissions:
- litebans.base # Required for mods to run commands from lbwd
- litebans.ban
- litebans.tempban
- litebans.tempbanip
- litebans.unban.own # Required to unmute in general
- litebans.unban # Required to unban anyone -- mods requires litebans.unban.own still!
- litebans.mute
- litebans.tempmute
- litebans.tempmuteip
- litebans.unmute.own # Required to unmute in general
- litebans.unmute # Required to unmute anyone -- mods requires litebans.unmute.own still!
- litebans.kick
- litebans.warn
- litebans.notify # Includes everything below
- litebans.notify.silent
- litebans.notify.dupeip
- litebans.notify.banned_join
Player permission (optional):
- litebans.notify.broadcast
- litebans.notify.warned
- litebans.notify.warned.offline