A list of nice frameworks, libraries and tools related to full-stack web development.
React: The library for web and native user interfaces.
Svelte: cybernetically enhanced web apps.
Qwik: New framework with "resumability" execution model.
NextJS: The React Framework for the Web.
SvelteKit: web development, streamlined.
QwikCity: Meta-framework counterpart to Qwik.
Vercel: Serverless platform which deploys automatically from Git repositories.
Netlify: Serverless platform which deploys automatically from Git repositories.
Fly.io: Web Hosting Platform providing lightweight VMs with a CLI with very good developer experience. It can run most tech stacks.
Cloudflare Workers: Deploy serverless code instantly across the globe.
Railway: A modern serverless platform with graphical architecture designer and able to run apps, databases and docker images.
Supabase: Serverless Database implemented on top of Postgres with extras like Authentication, Storage and real-time updates.
Planetscale: Serverless Database implemented on MySQL which provides "non-blocking schema changes", inspired by the Git branching model.
CockroachDB: Very robust database built on Postgres with seemless scaling.
ShadCN/UI: Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps.
Lexical: An extensible text editor framework that does things differently.