#Task: Display a vertical list of ten movies which can also be filtered by decade.
A UI mockup can be found in a Sketch file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wumps0o2bmxlvom/moviemock.sketch?dl=0 Only one movie is shown in the mockup, but use that as a template for the other 9.
Using the first 10 results of this api search for batman movies: http://www.omdbapi.com/?s=Batman
Take those results and look up details for each movie returned using this api pattern: http://www.omdbapi.com/?i=tt0372784 (where i = the imdb id found above)
Images will be blocked from hotlinking. Manually download all of those images to the project first, then reference them locally (parse the url string from the response).
Build using Angular.js version 1.2.18 (with at least one Directive) and SASS compiled to CSS. Make sure your JS is supported by IE8+ and your CSS is supported by IE9+.
Fork this project and include your code in a pull request.