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Installation and Setup

Elanor edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 43 revisions

BoNeMEAL is a little bit more advanced than other web interfaces for the Ban-Managament plugin. We're implying you know a little bit more about web servers and PCs in general...


First of all, be sure you run the latest version of the Ban-Management plugin on your Minecraft server (BoNeMEAL requires the latest database structure).

BoNeMEAL is built upon Laravel for great performance and reliability. The Laravel framework has a few server requirements:

  • PHP 7+ (PHP 7.4 IS NOT SUPPORTED at this time)
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
    • Ensure you have both the pdo_mysql and pdo_sqlite extensions installed and enabled.
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

If your webserver is running Apache then mod_rewrite should be installed. If you do not run Apache you will have to find out yourself how to manipulate URLs with your server software.

Please make sure that the directory / sub-directory in which you are installing the application is empty.

1. Download

You can download the stable releases of BoNeMEAL for free here at GitHub.

Developing and testing

Alternatively you can download BoNeMEAL including all the latest changes here. You could also use Git to clone the repository on your server and keep it easily updated by using "git pull".

These version are not tested and are primarily intended for users to check if the issue they reported has been fixed successfully.

2. Installation


Unzip the archive to the prepared directory on your webserver.


Be sure that nobody (except the app itself) can access the /application directory or any subfolder/files of that application directory. Otherwise the web app will be easily hackable.

By default there is an .htaccess file placed in the /application folder to prevent access to it (on Apache webservers). Be sure that this works on your server. If you use any other webserver software, you have to secure the directory yourself.


Check the .htaccess file and set the RewriteBase accordingly before you continue (again: .htaccess files only work on Apache, if you use any other software you will have to find out yourself how to do this). By default we assume you installed BoNeMEAL in a way so it's accessible by navigating to <host>/BoNeMEAL (e.g. If that is the case you should be ready to continue.

Grant permission

Be sure your /application/storage directory is readable and writeable. Set the permission to 775 (or 755 with owner as webserver user). You may also need to grant owner / group to your webserver user.


After you are done, navigate to <base url>/index.php/install (e.g. to start the install wizard and follow the instructions.

3. Setup

Login with the superuser account you have just created and go to Configuration > Servers > Add Server. Fill out the form and make sure the web app can access the MySQL database you have set.