Let the wizard do the heavy lifting so you can focus on your craft
CI/CD | |
Meta |
This is a general-purpose template that aims to provide a magical start to any Python project. It includes the initial configuration of quality assurance tools, documentation, and automated actions to deploy a Python package.
The template is powered by Hatch, which manages Python installations, virtual environments, dependencies, besides builds, and deploys the project to PyPI. See Why Hatch? for more details. To ensure code quality, several tools are suggested and pre-configured:
- mypy for static type checking
- ruff as the linter and code formatter
- codespell to check spelling
- pytest as the test engine
- zizmor for static analysis tool for GitHub Actions workflows
In addition, Git hooks can be used to guarantee consistency and leverage the aforementioned tools. The workflow ci.yaml runs them automatically for you.
The documentation is initialized with Jupyter Books, providing a promising approach for interactive tutorials.
You can check at any time the environments and scripts that are prepared to support your development workflow:
$ hatch env show --ascii
| Name | Type | Dependencies | Scripts | Description |
| default | virtual | coverage[toml]>=7.5.3 | check | Base development environment |
| | | pre-commit>=3.5.0 | format | |
| | | pytest-cov>=5.0.0 | lint | |
| | | pytest>=8.2.2 | pre-commit-install | |
| | | | pre-commit-uninstall | |
| | | | qa | |
| | | | test | |
| | | | test-no-cov | |
| | | | type | |
| docs | virtual | docutils==0.20.1 | build | Documentation environment |
| | | jupyter-book==1.0.0 | config | |
| | | sphinx-autobuild==2024.4.16 | serve | |
| | | sphinx==7.3.7 | | |
| Name | Type | Envs | Dependencies | Scripts | Description |
| test | virtual | test.py3.9 | coverage[toml]>=7.5.3 | check | Extended test environment |
| | | test.py3.10 | pre-commit>=3.5.0 | extended | |
| | | test.py3.11 | pytest-cov>=5.0.0 | format | |
| | | test.py3.12 | pytest-randomly | lint | |
| | | test.py3.13 | pytest-rerunfailures | pre-commit-install | |
| | | | pytest-xdist | pre-commit-uninstall | |
| | | | pytest>=8.2.2 | qa | |
| | | | | test | |
| | | | | test-no-cov | |
| | | | | type | |
Click on Use this template, creating a new project for you from it.
If you don't have Hatch, download and install it following the instructions for your OS.
I like to keep the Python environments within the project I'm working on, Hatch can be set to do so:
hatch config set dirs.env.virtual .venv
Clone your repository and make it your working directory.
Assert that everything is up and running:
$ hatch run qa cmd [1] | pre-commit run --all-files check for added large files..............................................Passed check for case conflicts.................................................Passed check docstring is first.................................................Passed check json...............................................................Passed check for merge conflicts................................................Passed check toml...............................................................Passed check yaml...............................................................Passed debug statements (python)................................................Passed detect private key.......................................................Passed fix end of files.........................................................Passed mixed line ending........................................................Passed trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed ruff.....................................................................Passed ruff-format..............................................................Passed mypy.....................................................................Passed codespell................................................................Passed mdformat.................................................................Passed nbstripout...............................................................Passed zizmor...................................................................Passed cmd [2] | pytest --cov --cov-report=term ============================================================ test session starts ============================================================= platform darwin -- Python 3.12.7, pytest-8.3.3, pluggy-1.5.0 rootdir: /Users/fschuch/Documents/GitHub/wizard-template configfile: pyproject.toml plugins: cov-6.0.0 collected 8 items src/wizard_template/core.py . [ 12%] tests/test_core.py ...... [ 87%] tools/rename_project_content.py s [100%] ---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.12.7-final-0 ---------- Name Stmts Miss Branch BrPart Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- src/wizard_template/__init__.py 2 0 0 0 100.00% src/wizard_template/core.py 8 0 2 0 100.00% tests/__init__.py 0 0 0 0 100.00% tests/test_core.py 10 0 0 0 100.00% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 20 0 2 0 100.00% Required test coverage of 90.0% reached. Total coverage: 100.00% ======================================================== 7 passed, 1 skipped in 0.05s ======================================================== cmd [3] | echo 'β QA passed' β QA passed
- On first invocation on the project folder, Hatch creates the virtual environments, install the dependencies, and gets ready to go.
A helper script is included to rename the git username and project name from the template files to your own new project, try it with:
hatch run _wizard
hatch run qa
another time to assert everything is still all right. You can now review the changes, stage, and commit them on your repo.
The template is designed to work with Python 3.9 and later versions. It is recommended to use the latest stable version of Python.
Project dependencies are managed on the file pyproject.toml, refer to Dependency configuration for more details on the topic.
Hatch specific configuration covering the development dependencies, environments, and maintenance scripts are defined also on the file pyproject.toml. You can refer to Environment configuration for more details.
To ensure quality standards on the codebase, pre-commit manages and runs the hooks configured on .pre-commit-config.yaml.
handles the installation of ruff, mypy, codespell, and others, on an isolated environments.- It is a good pick since many of the fixes can be done automatically at commit time just on the changed files.
- These tools are not declared as development dependencies on the project to avoid duplication.
- The action update-pre-commits.yaml scheduled to run weekly to ensure the hooks are up-to-date.
As mentioned above, the pre-commit tool is used to enforce code quality standards. Even though it performs checks on the changes for every commit when installed (
hatch run pre-commit-install
), it is a good practice to run the checks on the whole codebase occasionally (when a new hook is added or on Pull Requests). You can do so by runninghatch run check <hook-id>
, for instancehatch run check nbstripout
. Some of them are available as scripts as a syntax sugar, likehatch run lint
,hatch run format
, orhatch run type
. They check the whole codebase using ruff, ruff-format, and mypy, respectively.- The file project.toml includes configuration for some of the tools, so they can be consumed from your IDE as well.
- The file .pre-commit-config.yaml includes the configuration for the pre-commit hooks.
The pytest test suite can be run from the default environment with
hatch run test
orhatch run test-no-cov
(the latter without coverage check).Code examples on docstrings and documentation are tested by the
module (configured on the file pyproject.toml). It is integrated with pytest, so the previous test commands will also run the doctests. -
To run all the quality checks, you can use the command
hatch run qa
. -
To step up in the game, an extended test environment and the command
hatch run test:extended
are available to verify the package on different Python versions and under different conditions thanks to the pytest plugins:pytest-randomly
that randomizes the test order;pytest-rerunfailures
that re-runs tests to eliminate intermittent failures;pytest-xdist
that parallelizes the test suite and reduce runtime, to help the previous points that increase the workload;- The file pyproject.toml includes configuration for them.
- The workflow ci.yaml performs the verifications on every push and pull request, and deploys the package if running from a valid tag.
- The workflow update-pre-commits.yaml is scheduled to run weekly to ensure the pre-commit hooks are up-to-date.
- Dependabot is enabled to keep the dependencies up-to-date (dependabot.yml).
The template relies on Automatically generated release notes from GitHub to handle the changelog. Refer to Managing labels and add the labels from release.yml to automatically organize your entries. This is a nice fit for Managing releases in a repository.
Some may argue about the importance of Keeping a Changelog on a dedicated file, but that results in frequent conflicts and merge issues to be solved when working with feature branches in parallel. The GitHub release notes are a good compromise, as they are automatically generated and can be edited before the release. Notice good Pull Request titles and small incremental changes are key to a good changelog.
The version in the project is set dynamically by hatch-vcs.
At installation and build time, the version is recovered from the version control system and exported to the file src/wizard_template/_version.py
In this way, there is no need to keep the version hard-coded on the codebase. You can use the command hatch version
to check the current version.
On the deployment workflow, the version is recovered from the tag and used to build the package.
The downside is that the new version number must be manually entered for each release, rather than using the command hatch version
to bump it up.
However, this is a reasonable trade-off, since it does not impose any restrictions on the project's versioning scheme nor branching model.
The template includes a documentation environment that uses Jupyter Books
to provide a promising approach for interactive tutorials. The documentation source is on the docs
folder and can be
served locally with hatch run docs:serve
, it will be available on
The documentation is also built automatically on the deployment workflow docs.yaml.
Modules and functions docstrings are used to generate the documentation thanks to the sphinx-autodoc and sphinx-napoleon packages.
Follow the instructions in Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site to set up a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site. When using the automated workflow, the files will be located at the root (
) on thegh-pages
The package can be published to PyPI in a general-purpose workflow that can be used for any branch model and versioning strategy.
The action ci.yaml is triggered to publish the package to PyPi when any valid tag is pushed to the repository. The tag matching pattern is set to v*.*.*
, for instance, v1.2.3
, v0.0.1rc2
, v2023.2.0
, etc. Notice all previous steps on CI are executed before the deployment, including static analysis and tests.
- Refer to Adding a trusted publisher to an existing PyPI project to integrate the package with the PyPI project.
The process can also be triggered when a Release creates a new tag on your repo, so it sinergizes with the GitHub release notes cited above on the Changelog management.
The template includes a .vscode
folder with a extensions.json
file that suggests the extensions to be installed on VSCode, in line with the quality assurance tools included in the template. It allows test, debug, auto-format, lint, and a few other functionalities to work directly on your IDE. It also includes a settings.json
file that configures the Python extension to use the virtual environment created by Hatch. Remember to set hatch to use the virtual environment within the project folder hatch config set dirs.env.virtual .venv
PEP 561 is a guideline that explains how a Python package can show that it has inline type annotations.
These annotations are useful for static type checkers, which are tools that help ensure your code has been error-free. Mypy checks for a file named py.typed
in the root of the installed package.
- You can now customize the codebase to best suit your project.
- Take a look on the classifiers to set on the pyproject.toml file:
- Don't forget to review the LICENSE file on your repository to let others know how they can legally use your project.
- It is highly recommended that you set up branch protection rules.
- Refer to Configuring issue templates for your repository to configure issue templates for your repository.
- Keep an eye on Status of Python versions to know when it is time to drop support for some of them. NEP 29 is also a good reference for the topic.
- You can use CodeQL to identify vulnerabilities and errors in your code. Refer to About CodeQL to learn more about it.
Β© 2023 Felipe N. Schuch. All content is under MIT License.