JavaWeb Command-line Framework, help you easily build a command line JavaWeb System.
It can be easily combined with any Java framework , and no other dependency.Even you don't need create a HTML page.
- Some functions are provided to professional and do not want to invest in developing front-end.
- Quick development for a simple management system
- provided some tools through a web page
- Quick,simple,fun,geek and so on
<!-- -->
compile group: 'top.thinkin', name: 'w2j-cli-core', version: '0.1.3'
Base input and output,Text-table, Confirm,Auto-Complete
create a class and write annotations for root command,commands and parameters
@HJRoot(name="task",help = "task related operation")
public class TaskTest {
@HJCommand(name = "list",help = "get the list of task")
public String list(
@HJValue(name="start",help = "start time. example:2017-12-1")
String start,
@HJValue(name="end",help = "end time. example:2018-12-1")
String end
) throws WjException {
TextTable table = TextTable.create();
table.add(Arrays.asList("2","task-2","open","2017-12-2" ));
return View.text(table.buildTable());
@HJCommand(name = "stop",ask = true,help = "stop the task")
public String close(
@HJValue(name="id",help = "the task id",req = true)
String id,
Context context
return View.text("task is closed");
Based on you annotations, W2J-CLI could automatically generate the help documents
W2J-CLI have provided a built-in login module.
This codes simulates a simple logon process
public class YesLogin implements WJLogin<Context> {
public final static String AUTH = "LX2F8rdCA2wKel9yR42";
public String login(String root, String pass, Context context) {
return View.OK(AUTH);
return View.error("error");
public boolean filter(String auth, Context context) {
return true;
return false;
Users can create scripts to achieve stronger functionality. Of course, there are some commonly used built-in scripts.Likes loop command script, you can use it to achieve some animation effects.
* Circular sending command.
* The result will be displayed on the screen and overlay the last display.
* @param cli
* @param stopPrefix If the prefix is this, the loop will stop
* @param interval Time interval of a request
* @return
String script = ScriptKits.LOOP_CLI("task get -id "+id,"ok",500);
W2J-CLI can combined with any Java framework,likes spring,sptingMVC,struts2 and so on.
There has a example for combined with base servlet,you can get other ways in wiki
build web.xml
build html Servlet
public class HtmlAction extends HttpServlet {
HTMLConfig config;
public void init() throws ServletException {
try {
// the postUrl is necessary ,if you use built-in login module needLogin must be true
// there has some other configuration items,you can get them in wiki
config = HTMLConfig.cteate().setPostUrl("").needLogin(true).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
build the handler Servlet
public class TestAction extends HttpServlet {
CommandManage commandManage;
public void init(){
try {
commandManage = CommandManage.config()
.setLogin(new YesLogin()).add(new HelloTest()).add(new TaskTest());
} catch (Exception e) {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
Context context = new Context();//the context of your design
String cli = req.getParameter("cli");//get the command line
String auth = req.getParameter("auth");//get the login authcode
String x = null;
try {
x = commandManage.handleCommand(cli,context,auth);
} catch (Exception e) {
PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
JDK 1.6+
- Dong Bin - Initial work - BOLG
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Inspiration
- etc