Releases: froala/wysiwyg-editor
Releases · froala/wysiwyg-editor
Release 2.1.0
- Add pluginsEnabled option.
- Add plugin property to commands.
- Add emoticonsUseImage option.
- Allow notes:// for links.
- Add quick insert plugin.
- Preview image while uploading.
- Add table insert helper.
- Redesign line breaker icon.
- emoticonsSet code property needs only the Unicode code (1f600 instead of 😀).
- Enhancements
- Improve toolbar inline position when selection is collapsed.
- Toolbar inline should be disabled when initializing on A, IMG or BUTTON.
- Enter mode is no longer changed when initializing on other tags than DIV.
- Allow to edit input placeholder in the popup when initializing on an input element.
- Allow font awesome empty elements.
- Improve iOS inline editing.
- Improve sticky toolbar on iOS.
- Use default image options for clipboard pasted images.
- Improve useClasses option.
- Improve clear formatting on IE11 and Edge.
- Improve adding non-breaking spaces.
- Keep style for default tag on enter.
- Handle Google Docs pasting.
- Do not add BR in elements which already have one.
- Improve definition lists handling.
- Improve lists Word paste.
- Improve table editing.
- Improve image resize.
- Prevent table resize when other popups are visible.
- Improve hitting ESC twice when image alt popup is visible.
- Improve typing speed when there are many block tags in the editor.
- Include headers in media manager requests.
- If the editor is initialized on a link, it should be displayed inline.
- Bug fixing
- Fixes back in image and video popups when toolbarInline is enabled.
- Initializing the editor on a button[type=submit] should not submit the parent form.
- Fixes backspace when editing a link that the editor was initialized on.
- Fixes image resizer zIndex.
- Fixes image resize when init is done on image.
- Do deep extend on init for options.
- IE11 Korean Typing Problem.
- Do not alter empty contenteditable tags that are blocks.
- Clicking a Bootstrap button was not showing the link edit popup.
- Link was inserted twice sometimes.
- In some browsers the editor was scrolling to the top after adding a link.
- Dropping files in editor on Windows was not working.
- When using iframe a double scrollbar was showing on Windows.
- Init on image stopped working after first image modification.
- Copying the entire text was also copying the editable container.
- Image was placed wrong on drop in IE11.
- Fixes right click on IE11.
- Custom theme tooltip settings were not working.
- Tag IDs were copied when splitting text.
- Image src was removed when data-.* was removed form the htmlAllowedAttrs option.
- Fixes line breaker display and position.
- typingTimer option was never used.
- New lines were removed from PRE tag.
- Fixes imageManager icon name.
- Fixes hitting ESC when a single cell was selected.
- Nested list was wrapped in block tag when formatting parent item.
- bold/italic/underline buttons do not work properly in Chrome on Windows.
- Image was disappearing on drag in IE11 sometimes.
- Fixes keyboard hide when ENTER on iOS Chrome and UIWebView.
Release 2.0.5
- Add charCounter.count method.
- Enhancements
- Cursor was jumping to top when pasting in IE.
- Cursor was disappearing in IE sometime.
- Read screen height when no doctype is specified.
- Undo and Redo buttons are grey by default.
- Toggle button visiblity and order based on screen size.
- Bug fixing
- Cleaning was not made at deeper levels.
- Pasting in IE10.
- Error after editing table header.
- BR was added before table when not necessary.
- File was always inserted at the top in IE.
- Open link button was not working.
- Incorrect empty new lines were added when aligning in ENTER_BR mode.
- Indent was not working correctly when direction was set on text block only.
- Font awesome icons were removed sometimes.
Release 2.0.3
- Bug fixing
- Fix < and > encoding.
- Fix non-breaking space encoding.
Release 2.0.2
- Do not parse entities inside SCRIPT and STYLE tags.
- Enable drop, dragenter, dragover, dragleave and dragend events.
- toolbarInlineWithoutSelection is enabled by default.
- Enhancements
- Remove forms from popups.
- Japanese typing.
- Enter inside an empty heading with the option ENTER_BR enabled.
- Hide popup after editing in popup.
- Disable popup inputs so that they are not submitted with the parent form.
- French translation.
- Traditional Chinese translation.
- Favicon and browser icons were refreshed when switching from code_view or when the HTML was taken from the editor.
- Selection restore in Safari.
- Cursor positioning in Safari.
- Sync editor content before form submit.
- Hide inline toolbar when starting to type.
- Detect page only first time and then store the property.
- IME typing when toolbar inline.
- Bug fixing
- AMD build.
- Using CSS rules from remote files when HTTPS is enabled.
- Image resize was not working correctly all the time.
- Image resize on Windows Phone.
- CSS3 pseudo element used incorrectly.
- Bad closed SPAN tag inside the video popup.
- Editor width was not set to 100% in fullscreen when the width option was present.
- Cut action was removing the entire paragraph sometimes in Firefox.
- Cursor was not visible after editing in IE.
- Height sync error inside iframe when using the video plugin.
- Font family style value was set incorrectly.
- Table cleaning error.
Release 2.0.1
- When using an iframe the CSS is read directly from the files.
- imageIframeStyle, videoIframeStyle and tableIframeStyle options were removed.
- useClasses option converts all classes to inline style.
- Add Code Beautifier plugin.
- Editor can be initialized on any element.
- Add tableStyles option.
- Add tableMultipleStyles option.
- Add tableStyle and tableCellHorizontalAlign button.
- Rename tableVerticalAlign button to tableCellVerticalAlign.
- Improve initialize performance - modules are no longer ordered on initialization.
- Add pasteAllowLocalImages option.
- Document drop, click, mouseup, mousedown, touchstart, touchend, keypress, keyup, keydown and input events.
- Enhancements
- Sticky toolbar inside scrollable container.
- Improve sticky toolbar performance in Chrome.
- Selecting images between two instances.
- Initialize editor only on left click when initOnClick option is enabled.
- Tooltips are no longer shown when there is no title present.
- All colors inside the editable area are set in RGB.
- Improve German translation.
- Improve Croatian translation.
- Character counter design.
- Rename paragraph style classes for consistency.
- Remove unnecessary tooltips from table dropdowns.
- Add tooltips to image and video align.
- Improve Korean typing on Windows 7 / Chrome.
- Maximum image size was not taking image paddings into consideration.
- Ghost spaces were present before/after comments.
- Backspace can decrease tab when the tabSpaces option is enabled.
- Popup alignment when the position is corrected.
- Bug fixing
- Bold was not working all the time in Safari browsers.
- Rename tableMultipleStyles option to tableCellMultipleStyles.
- image.removed event was not triggered on replace.
- File paperclip icon was not showing inside bold text.
- Outending first item in a list when it had a block tag inside.
- Hitting back inside the link popup when the editor is initialized on a link.
- Codeview was not working correctly in Firefox when selection wasn't in the editor.
- tel: and sms: were escaped.
- Placeholder was not translated initially.
- Screen was scrolling up when the link insertion was cancelled.
- Image loading was stuck sometimes in Chrome iOS.
- Placeholder was not adapting to rtl direction.
- Image default size was set incorrectly the imageResizeWithPercent option was enabled.
- Messages from image manager were not translated.
- Indentation buttons were available during table selection.
- Merging multiple cells was not placing the cursor correctly.
- Scrolling inside dropdowns was not working in iOS.
- Dropdowns were not hidden in iOS when clicking in the editor.
- Link popup was not appearing all the time in iOS.
- Reposition image resizer when the orientation is changed.
- Calling image.upload/file.upload without having the popup initialized was raising an error.
Release 2.0.0
- Add imageManagerToogleTags option.
- Add codeView.isActive method.
- Add codeView.get method.
- Enhancements
- Typing in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.
- Missing translations for titles.
- Dropdown icons are using tooltips.
- Empty elements that have attributes are no longer being removed.
- Detect Edge browser.
- Paste from Microsoft Excel in Firefox on Windows 7.
- Emoticon typing experience.
- Tooltips were visible for inactive buttons.
- Tooltips were falling out for window sometimes.
- Dropdowns overflow when using the scrollableContainer option.
- Add back buttons for colors picker and emoticon popups.
- Horizontal line break page support.
- Tab on multiple lines indents content instead of deleting it.
- Code view is at least 150px tall.
- Bug fixing
- Inserting table was throwing a console error.
- toolbarStickyOffset was not working correctly in fullscreen mode.
- Init on image was not working correctly.
- Edit link was not working when the editor was initialized on a
tag. - chainTrigger method was breaking the chain sometimes.
tag before<TABLE>
tag was being removed.- Image resize and remove was not being saved in the undo stack.
- New line was adding at the top when the editor was destroyed and initialized again.
- List buttons were showing incorrect status when the editor was inside a list.
- Styles containing quotes were broken.
- Editing zones with contenteditable="false".
- Video width was exceeding the editor size.
- Image manager tags were working exclusively.
- Scrollbar inside dropdowns could not be clicked.
- Line breaker was appearing outside of the editing area.
- IE drag&drop was not working correctly.
- Videos were not loading on iOS.
- Clicking a video while scrolling on iOS was breaking scroll.
- IE was not preserving font size on color change.
- Image resize with percent was working incorrectly when images were inside tag.
- Videos could not be started in fullscreen mode.
- Selecting bold when an element has the font-weight property set.
- Using inputs inside the editor were throwing an error.
- Image popup was not showing the layers correctly.
- Fixing toolbar at the top was not working correctly inside a scrollable container.
- Forms inside the popups were having a bad size.
Release 2.0.0-rc.3
- Add the possibility to use displayText in the linkList object.
- Add scrollableContainer option.
- Improve Korean typing.
- Improve Chinese typing in Microsoft Edge.
- Add examples for paragraph style plugin.
- Buttons are toggling popups instead of just showing them.
- Improve editing inside DIV tags.
- Improve scrolling on touch devices.
- Add position.refresh method.
- Improve cursor position and scrolling on ENTER.
- Add keepFormatOnDelete option.
- Add fullscreen.isActive method.
- Allow to upload SVG images.
- Bug fixing
- editorClass option was not working.
- File plugin was not working without the link plugin.
- paragraphMultipleStyles was not working.
- Buttons from popups were submitting the form they were into.
- Email addresses were not automatically converted all the time.
- linkText option was missing.
- Emoticons were not working on Windows 10.
- Spaces were not converted correctly to non-breaking spaces sometimes.
- Image width was set incorrectly if no width was specified.
- "Open in new tab" could not be disabled.
- Dropdowns were not working when using jQuery-UI.
- Text align was not working.
- Inserting image from image manager was adding the image at the top of the page.
- Image was not resizing correctly when height was specified.
- Enter was not behaving correctly inside links.
- Cursor was badly placed when hitting enter in ENTER_BR.
- Theme class was not added to the tooltips.
- imageDefaultWidth could not be disabled.
- Incorrect active state for lists.
- Focus was jumping in IE.
- Tables outside the editor could be resized like the one inside.
- Link class and styles were lost when updating the URL.
- Destroy was not cleaning the editor helpers correctly.
- Cutting content with an image at the top of the editor was removing all the content.
- "Open in new tab" was unusable on iOS.
- zIndex was not set correctly.
- Page scroll was appearing in Firefox while typing.
- Correct RO translation.
- Back button was not working for the file popup.
- Char counter was breaking the pasting chain for paste.afterCleanup event.
- Calling image.insert was not possible from external button.
- Table resize was not recognized as a change.
- Image reposition was not recognized as a change.
- Fix pasting with indentation.
- toolbarInline was not working with jQuery mobile.
- Links inside table couldn't be edited.
- Reflect indentation state in the toolbar button.
- Reposition sticky toolbar when the DOM is being changed.
- Horizontal split was exchanged with Vertical split.
- Hide popups when they are not in view.
- Setting width option was not updating the toolbar size.
- Custom icon templates were not used by the align plugin.
Release 2.0.0-rc.2
- Add theme files.
- Improve examples.
- Remove placeholderFontSize option.
- Remove placeholderFontFamily option.
- Remove placeholderLineHeight option.
- Bug fixing
- Cleaning with fullPage option enabled.
- Resizing browser window when in fullscreen mode causes editor to vanish.
- Insert Image does not automatically expand imageByURL when defined in imageInsertButtons.
- Clicking image/link does not open dropdown menu in fullscreen mode.
- Inline Toolbar "|" sep causes new line.
- Deleting Text in Table.
- Changing text color after background color was not keeping the background.
- Table cell formatting.
- List indentation.
- Video resizing without box-sizing set.
- Choosing first predefined link.
- Deleting a character at the end was removing the space too.
- Dropdowns close too aggressively upon keypress.
- Clicking page scrollbar was hiding the active dropdown.
- CMD+DELETE key combination was not working on MAX OSX.
- TAB key was not working inside lists.
Release 2.0.0-rc.1
- 56 new options
- 108 new methods
- 21 new events
- Redesign the interface using the Material Design concept.
- Redesign popups for a better UX.
- Display popups below or above based on the window size.
- Custom toolbar based on screen size.
- Add button tooltips.
- Handle enter, backspace and delete actions instead of using the browser's default behavior.
- Possibility to display the current selection's Font Family, Font Size and Paragraph Format.
- Improve overall editing experience.
- Improve editing in full page.
- Improve sticky toolbar.
- Toolbar can be added at the bottom of the editing area.
- Improve RTL detection.
- Improve selection restore.
- Improve placeholder customizability.
- Improve code cleaning.
- Improve accessibility.
- Option to edit content inside an iframe.
- Custom TAB key indentation.
- New methods to ease cursor positioning.
- Possibility to add custom shortcuts.
- Possibility to create custom popups.
- Block Style plugin was renamed to Paragraph Style.
- Better paste control.
- Generic way to define buttons and dropdowns.
- Popup templates.
- Create alignment plugin.
- Create save plugin.
- Create paragraph format plugin.
- Create emoticons plugin.
- Create line breaker plugin.
- Create quote plugin.
- Better quote level editing.
- Shortcuts to increase / decrease quote level.
- Table plugin redesign
- Make table actions from popup instead of toolbar.
- Redesign cell selection.
- Resize table.
- Add header.
- Add cell background.
- Change vertical alignment.
- Add cell style.
- Table TAB key navigation.
- Remove "Add cell after" and "Add cell before".
- Image plugin redesign
- Set specific image size.
- Choose if resizing in using pixels or percent.
- Cursor in under the mouse while repositioning image by drag & drop.
- Add image style.
- Improve resizing handlers for mobile.
- Use the same URL for pasted images.
- Media Manager was renamed to Image Manager.
- Image Manager plugin redesign
- Infinite scroll to load images.
- Sort images using tags.
- Link plugin redesign
- Edit link text while popup is visible.
- Video plugin redesign
- Resize video.
- Set video specific size.
- Video display option.
- File plugin redesign
- File remove event.
- File upload to S3.
- Possibility to use filename or the selected text when linking a file.
- HTML View was renamed to Code View.
- Code View plugin redesign
- Use Code Mirror.
- Keep cursor position when switching to code view.
Release 1.2.8
- Improve cursor position after paste.
- Improve URL conversion on paste.
- Bug fixing
- Outdenting list results in incorrect markup.
- Invalid HTML when outdenting list item.
- Disable image drag and drop upload was not working.
- Fix XSS in link insert.
- Popup inputs were not focusing in Bootstrap modals.
- Pass the correct document to Mordernizr.
- Button state was not refreshed on clear formatting.
- Popups were not placed correctly with fullscreen mode.
- Links were pasted twice when there was a video in the editor.
- New lines where not preserved in Webkit inside PRE tag sometimes.
- URL pasting from Word.
- Use keypress instead of keydown for lists.
- Font size was not preserved in Webkit browsers sometimes.
- New lines were removed on plain paste.
- Links attributes were not preserved inside iframe.
- Delete was not working correctly inside iframe.