Releases: froala/wysiwyg-editor
Releases · froala/wysiwyg-editor
Release 2.3.5
- Add uploadURL property for imageUploadToS3 and fileUploadToS3 options.
- Add htmlIgnoreCSSProperties option.
- Add tooltips option.
- Align CSS property will be reset to null when it matches the parent property.
- Add codeViewKeepActiveButtons option.
- Add Vietnamese translation.
- Add requestWithCredentials option.
- Enhancements
- Changing colour of underlined text was not changing the colour of underline.
- linkAlwaysBlank and linkAlwaysNoFollow behavior was not added for links converted from text.
- Remove 'use strict' from minified JS.
- Improve format.applyStyle method.
- Button size for text buttons.
- file.unlink is triggered after removing a link to a file.
- Toggle fullscreen from code view.
- Selection is no longer lost on mobile devices when scrolling by tapping on the image.
- Improve link selection for links with SVGs inside.
- Resize table starting with the left side.
- Do not show popups when there is no button inside.
- Quick insert was not following scroll.
- Move in tables from a cell to another using arrows.
- Add the possibility to use SVG as an icon template.
- Ignore image sizing if it wasn't resized.
- Replace ' with ' in entities option.
- Improve imageOutputWidth option.
- Improve spacing conversion on Word pasting.
- Load only thumbs in Image Manager.
- Add meta to htmlAllowedTags option.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Prevent editor backspace on empty editor.
- Tooltip was flickering in certain HTML structures.
- Allow brackets in URLs.
- Empty spans where added when setting colors for certain HTML structures.
- Navigate with keyboards next to HR tags.
- Improve ENTER on iOS devices.
- Increase default zIndex for toolbarInline.
- Improve typing performance for large amounts of text.
- Bug fixing
- Pasted content was using the wrong tag in ENTER_DIV and ENTER_BR modes.
- image.beforeUpload and files.beforeUpload event was triggered twice in IE 11.
- contentChanged event was not fired with Chinese characters.
- Image editing was not working inside contenteditable specific structure.
- keepFormatOnDelete was not keeping the format correctly all the time.
- Enter in bullet with format selected was not working correctly.
- initOnClick was not triggered when using TAB to focus the editor in IE.
- image.replaced event was not triggered when using Image Manager.
- Using jQuery 2.2.4 or higher was triggering contentChanged too often.
- Character counter was not working with mobile suggestions.
- Cursor was not showing anymore until blur on Firefox after browsing for an image.
- Quick insert options were not following cursor on enter in empty editor.
- Last saved HTML was not always stored correctly.
- & was not converted correctly.
- Inline toolbar was not showing after typing in Chinese.
- Do not add BR tag on unwrap if prev node is block.
- Hide line breaker when a command is ran.
- Highlighting and deleting content with empty lines was wiping everything in the editor.
- Undo shortcut was not working correctly with table cell selected.
- Error on windows resize after destroy.
- html.get was not returning entities encoded correctly when markers were used.
- List items were getting reordered in some cases.
- BR were added in empty TR and BODY elements.
- Empty paragraphs were added when switching to code view and back.
- Inserting emoticons in empty editor was not working correctly.
- Edit on link was removing unwanted attributes.
- Iframe not syncing correctly when using iframeStyleFiles.
- Themes were not keeping all the colors.
- P tags were removed when pasting in Firefox.
- iframeStyleFiles was removing all the assets from the HEAD of the iframe.
- HTML comments were removed from HEAD tag all the time.
- Shared image objects were not working correctly.
- Enter was not adding a bullet in certain HTML structure.
- Destroy method was not clearing all the events.
- Undo stack was broken after image error.
- Image resize controlls were not showing correctly inside scrollable page.
- Moving with cursor to the next cell using TAB was indenting lists from the cell that got focus.
- Toolbar bottom and sticky combination was not working correctly in Chrome.
Release 2.3.4
- Add tableResizer option to disable table resize.
- Enhancements
- Do not remove empty lines when pasting from Google Docs.
- Whitespace was added after BR when pasting from Word.
- Use responseText for the response parameter of save.error event.
- Do not escape blob URLs.
- Do not set placeholder height anymore.
- Change the file upload default URL to HTTPS.
- Make sure inline style has higher priority when exporting to inline CSS.
- Do not override CTRL + Key on MacOS.
- Do not dismiss popup when internal selection ends outside of it.
- Add body offset correction for tooltip and popups when position is not static.
- Do not stop event bubbling when hiding toolbar.
- Improve PT translation.
- Improve Word pasting detection.
- Do not trim whitespaces around void elements.
- Hitting enter after table was using BR instead of the default paragraph tag.
- Bug fixing
- Table resize when using RTL.
- Blockquote when using RTL.
- Incorrect image editing menu position when container has position absolute.
- Styles from iframeStyleFiles option were not included in the output.
- fileUseSelectedText option was ignored.
- Inline styles with nested spans were loosing formatting.
- Image error when trying to copy/cut something from editor.
- fr-view class was not added to the body with fullPage option enabled.
- contentChanged event was not triggered sometimes when using undo/redo.
- Converting style to inline style was throwing an error for pseudo elements.
- Code view was not respecting heightMin/heightMax without Code Mirror.
- Image align icons were missing when the align plugin was not included.
- heightMin was not working correctly with fullPage option enabled.
- Incorrect cursor placement when deleting multiple lines in ENTER_BR mode.
- Blur event was not triggered correctly with fullPage option enabled.
- selection.element method was working incorrectly in Firefox when selecting text with double click.
- Hitting delete after HR was redirecting to the previous page in Chrome.
- Inserting tabs was not recorded as a change in the undo stack.
Release 2.3.3
- Add tableResizer option to disable table resize.
- Enhancements
- Remove table selection on right click outside the editor.
- Improve Hungarian language.
- Cut/copy images inside the editor.
- Select in table while holding shift key.
- tableInsertHelper option was unused.
- Bug fixing
- Do not edit table if the editor is disabled.
- Incorrect image editing menu position when scrollableContainer has absolute positioning.
- Some rules where not applied in theme files.
- Current selected link was returned incorrectly when editor was inside an A tag.
- Fullscreen was keeping the heightMax option.
- Placeholder was not wrapping.
- Table refresh error on header.
- Default width should be set in percent when imageResizeWithPercent is enabled.
- Entire table cell content was deleted on backspace.
Release 2.3.1
- Use HTTPS on
- Enhancements
- Convert text inside lists into list items.
- Allow to select only images from imageAllowedTypes option.
- Prevent typing inside HR.
- Placeholder should clip at editor width.
- Allow new lines in placeholder.
- Placeholder takes into consideration padding and left margin.
- Clear selected table cells content on backspace.
- Never remove selection markers in clean.
- Bug fixing
- Error when copy/cut in iframe.
- Browser crashes when pasting certain HTML using DIV for enter.
- Refresh typo in image and file plugins.
- Image shortcut letter in tooltips.
- Emoticons markup when not using images.
- Paragraph refresh error.
- Code View Text Area doesn't take up entire height.
- Initializing in Firefox when element is hidden.
- Scrolling in dropdowns in IE with toolbarInline option enabled.
- New lines were stripped in SCRIPT and STYLE tags.
- Link prefix was added to file:// links.
- imageEditButtons were not working when a single button was used.
- Text jumping around when applying a style format.
Release 2.3.0
- Get rid of document.execCommand for applying format.
- Remove commands.applyProperty method.
- Add format.apply method.
- Add method.
- Add format.remove method.
- Add format.toggle method.
- Add format.applyStyle method.
- Add format.removeStyle method.
- Allow []{} inside the URLs.
- Add codeBeautifierOptions option.
- Show shortcuts in tooltips. Add shortcutsHint option.
- Adding fr-deletable class to an element would delete the entire element.
- Add imagePasteProcess option.
- Allow setting imageDefaultAlign to null.
- Allow setting imageDefaultDisplay to null.
- Add iframeStyleFiles option.
- Enhancements
- Youtube URL detection.
- Improve space collapsing.
- Russian translation improvement.
- Improve image accessibility: select using SHIFT and arrows.
- Make sure the current document has focus on iOS when calling focus.
- Handle uppercase URLs.
- Allow to destroy editor while uploading files/images.
- Use icon module for colors remove, fullscreen collapse and media manager buttons.
- Improve pasting empty new lines detection.
- Allow to insert new lines before and after videos using line breaker.
- Clicking next/before image whould add a new line below/above it if there is no text.
- Scrolling the editor content on touch devices with initOnClick option were enabling the editor.
- Caret was going under toolbar when position:fixed and toolbarStickyOffset is non-zero and navigating with arrows.
- Accept unicode domains as URLs.
- Remove memory leaks on destroy.
- Pass image data on deleting image via image manager.
- Inserting HR in empty editor was not adding new line after it.
- Use label instead of span for input description.
- Use heightMin and heightMax for codeView as well.
- Gray theme was positioning popup arrow incorrectly when fr-above was active.
- iOS dropdowns were not scrollable.
- Delete empty lines on BACKSPACE/DELETE after/before tables.
- Remove empty class and style attributes from images.
- Clear mouse moving timeouts on destroy.
- Add aria-label to buttons.
- Bug fixing
- Sticky toolbar on Chrome Canary.
- html.get with markers and style was removing the text incorrectly.
- Click next to image in empty cell.
- Drag-and-drop images in IE were always added at the top.
- Toolbar remained disabled when selecting cells between tables.
- Deleting table leaves toolbar disabled.
- Inserting image from image manager in wrong editor instance.
- videoEditButtons option was not building the popup correctly.
- Relative url's shouldn't get a url prefix.
- Dragging image away from table cell removes that cell.
- Deleting a selection of a list deletes the whole UL element if last list item is empty.
- Dragging image with link was not keeping the link.
- Redo was disabled incorrectly when non-char key was pressed.
- Fixes dropping redo on loosing focus.
- Hitting enter at the end of paragraph wasn't creating a new line with ENTER_BR.
- Cursor was hidden in popup's input in Firefox in certain configurations.
- Entered text was always going to first list item in ENTER_BR on Chrome.
- Hitting char key when text is selected won't insert character.
- Spellcheck inside a table cell was freezing editor toolbar.
- Prevent deleting inside contenteditable=false using DELETE key.
- Bad cursor position when inserting emoticon in Safari.
- Image/file upload errors where not showing sometimes.
- Popup in IE10 were added below added video.
- Line was holding bold text when iframe and ENTER_BR options are enabled although it is disabled.
- Alignment popup for image was cut when images were at the bottom of the editor.
- Tooltips where creating a horizontal scrollbar in RTL direction.
- Entities which were directly in the editable element were not encoded.
- Blur event was triggered when hitting the scroll inside dropdown.
- Table freeze when clicking on another cell while holding CMD.
- linkConvertEmailAddress was not accepting all domains.
- Offset error when initializing editor on image.
- Buttons were not refreshing correctly inside shared popups.
- Deleting all text when iFrame breaks outer HTML structure.
- Colors popup position inside inline mode.
Release 2.2.4
- Adds the possibility to use em in fontSize.apply method.
- Cancel image/file upload using ESC key.
- Enhancements
- Youtube URL detection.
- Line breaks and non-whitespace conversion.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Typing before/after image when there is no other content.
- Improve Chinese simplified translation.
- Improve German translation.
- Use default image options for URL pasted images.
- Changing font-size on an empty span with different font-size.
- Validate embedded video code.
- Cursor position after deleting image.
- Avoiding reserved default word.
- Wrong aspect ratio after resizing image with height property set.
- Reposition toolbars based on scrollableContainer instead of document height.
- Other elements than metadata is moved out of header when using fullPage option.
- Bug fixing
- Image edit popup was not displayed in IE 11 sometimes.
- Insert SVG images.
- Iframe injected style was duplicated.
- Passing null to html.set method was throwing an error.
- Floated images were cut off in Webkit and Firefox.
- Image float was not preserved in IE with useClasses option disabled.
- Open link when editor is initialized on link.
- Formatting lists inside elements with class fr-inner.
- Pasting long continuous text was showing the text at the top of the page before inserting in the editor.
- Having the editor inside a hidden element was throwing an error in IE.
- File was inserted in wrong editor in certain scenario.
- Wrong prefix was set for absolute URLs.
- Formatting text with different font styles was removing part of it sometimes.
- zIndex was removed from inline toolbar when hiding popup.
- Backspace inside empty link was not removing it.
- Image list was not refreshed after html.insert method.
- Embedded tables get formatted incorrectly when swapping from html to editor.
- Adding 2 videos in empty editor instance was not possible.
- Fixes translations for "Table header" and "Remove table".
- Selecting a line with double click and formatting it was also formatting the next line.
Release 2.2.3
- Change imageOutputWidth option to imageOutputSize.
- Enhancements
- Disable link edit when using and editor was initialized on a link.
- Remove image unnecessary style.
- Bug fixing
- Placeholder was not aligned correctly.
- Cursor error when using space on blank lines in ENTER_BR.
- Cursor position when starting a list.
- Additional BR tags were added in certain scenarios.
- Additional non-breaking spaces were added in certain scenarios.
- Back/forward word delete on MacOS.
- Link edit when iframe option is on.
- Incorrect cursor position at the end of line in iframe when ENTER_BR is on.
- Deleting end of line when using iframe and ENTER_BR option.
Release 2.2.2
- Show the inline toolbar on mobile devices.
- Add imageRoundPercent option.
- Add imageMinWidth option.
- Add imageOutputWidth option.
- Add packaged files in the archive which includes all the plugins.
- Add hasOwnProperty check for loops through Object keys.
- Enhancements
- Remove overflow-x when inline.
- Update image margins and alignment.
- Do not add image classes when imageDisplay and imageAlign buttons are not used.
- Do not wrap text inside fr-inner class.
- Improve apply methods for image, paragraph and link styles.
- Improve emoticon alignment. instead of forcing Font Awesome.
- Improve empty node check.
- Force encoding of non-ASCII chars as \uXXXX when building the minified code.
- Update code view when calling html.set.
- Typing in table cell in IE.
- keepFormatOnDelete was not consistent.
- Improve Persian translation.
- Do not encode text inside STYLE and SCRIPT tags.
- Allow images to match the current page protocol.
- Detection of the selection end element.
- Do not break quick insert line on whitespace.
- Improve image max-width based on its floating.
- Improve text icon appearance.
- Improve Russian translation.
- Do not allow to make image smaller than imageMinWidth option.
- Remove image cursor CSS rule from froala_style.css file.
- Improve Korean and Japanese typing after image.
- Improve table insert helper positioning when fullPage is true.
- Improve email detection RegEx.
- Bug fixing
- Cannot add text next to image when it is wrapped inside a link.
- Disable right click was not working.
- Dropdowns were not showing on iOS.
- Setting the HTML was forcing the editor to become editable.
- execCommand was not working correctly at the beginning of paragraph in Mozilla.
- zIndex was altered incorrectly in inline mode.
- Images could not be dropped in IE.
- Comments were altered inside SCRIPT tag.
- Spaces inside PRE tag were merged.
- Doing backspace before STYLE tag was merging the content into it.
- Scrollable container was not used for positioning the image resizer.
- Bold button state was incorrect when using keyboard to place cursor.
- Remove markers from editor when popups are opened and the blur event is triggered.
- Undo was not working in inline mode.
- Image manager tags were not shown.
- Keep image uploading message while resizing window.
- Get the edited HTML when no marker is present.
- Placeholder position in inline mode.
- charCounter.update event was not triggered correctly.
- Toolbar buttons were larger than they should be in Firefox.
- Applying bold in Mozilla on light text.
- Changing styles should reposition visible popups.
- Fixes new line was removed at end of some tags.
- Hitting back in image popups were hiding the popup on iOS.
- HR was not splitting the HTML correctly.
- Inserting image using quick insert tool was loosing position on iOS.
- Quick insert was not hidden on mobile devices.
- Fixes iOS error when image manager first opens.
- Fixes link popup position on orientation change.
- Hide table edit popup when table resize starts.
- Fixes table select when height is set.
- Add image to lineBreakerTags.
- Image could not be deleted with DELETE key.
- Placeholder was position incorrectly sometimes.
- Image actions were added incorrectly in the undo stack.
- Fixes space collapse on paste.
- Initialize editor on focus when initOnClick is true.
- Fixes "Replace" word translation inside image popup.
- Fixes lists indent on the first list item.
- Space after table was converted to non-breaking space.
- Duplicate style attributes were added when disabling useClasses option.
- html.get(true) was removing empty block tags with BR inside.
- Spaces were normalized inside contenteditable="false".
- Images could be edited inside contenteditable="false".
- Right Click in table deselected cell, but was keeping popup opened.
- Table insert helper was showing for nearby tables.
- Fixes table insert helper when height is set for iframe.
- Image could not be pasted in Mozilla with pastePlain enabled.
- Initialize the editor on click by touching the image on mobile.
Release 2.2.1
- Bug fixing
- Problem with restoring selection in IE and Edge browsers.
- Emoticons size inside popup in IE browser.
Release 2.2.0
- Draggable plugin.
- Enable video move.
- Improve initialization time.
- Improve minified file size by using
$.FE instead of $ .FroalaEditor. - Share toolbar, popups and other common elements between instances with the same options.
- Automatically turn off all events on destroy.
- Add shared events.
- Change saveInterval option to 10000.
- Reset content on form reset event.
- toolbarVisibleWithoutSelection is false by default.
- Add toolbarContainer option.
- Add htmlDoNotWrapTags option.
- Add imageSplitHTML option.
- Add videoSplitHTML option.
- Add quickInsertTags option.
- Remove quickInsertOffset option.
- Add videoMove option.
- Enhancements
- Quick insert positioning.
- Improve handling new lines and spaces.
- Default text alignment.
- Default text color when using inline editing.
- Set wrapper overflow only when height is set.
- Improve form editing.
- Improve converting external CSS rules to inline style.
- Add tooltips for quick insert plugin and table insert helper.
- Improve checking for empty nodes.
- Improve font family detection.
- Resizing table inside iframe was not smooth.
- Force contentChanged on blur.
- Use classes to display line breaker instead of style.
- Table insert helper flicker because of tooltip.
- Improve inline toolbar positioning.
- Improve pasting from TextMate.
- Dropdowns never go under other instances when zIndex option is not used.
- Hide active dropdowns when showing a popup.
- Bug fixing
- Any HTML could be dropped in Webkit browsers.
- Fixes image default width when set to 0.
- Fixes right click was adding empty lines in IE.
- Fixes code beautifier exceptions.
- Style tag was wrapped inside a paragraph.
- Quick insert was overlapping popups.
- Misplaced BR tag after image in some cases.
- Resize image was not working when using init on click and image was clicked first.
- Tooltip position when using the iframe option.
- Fullscreen was not working when using the iframe option.
- Fixes Japanese typing on iOS.
- Unwanted BR tags were added after comments.
- Quote shortcuts were not working.
- Editing was not possible when using contenteditable="true" inside contenteditable="false".
- Code view size was incorrect on Windows.
- Using SHIFT key to select table cells when using the iframe option.
- Blur was not triggered when loosing focus from the image ALT popup.
- Catch possible errors when disabling object resizing.
- Unwanted BR between STYLE tag and TABLE tag.
- Initializing editor on image would throw an error when doing replace.
- Copying from one instance to another was loosing style.