This algorithm computes the optimized market for a given corn field location, route distance, and spot grain market bid price.
This program was developed for the project Evolving Supply Chains and Local Freight Flows: A GIS Analysis of Minnesota Cereal Grain. This study was a product of the Transportation Policy & Economic Competitiveness (TPEC) advisory board, housed in the Humphrey School for Public Affairs, University of Minnesota. The final analysis is published in the Transportation Research Board's (TRB) peer-reviewed, March 2018 journal. Presentations were also given at the 97th Annual TRB Meeting, the 59th Annual TRF Conference, and the Minnesota Grain & Feed Association Conference.
Further information of the project can be found on the TPEC website:
Please contact for any inquiries on how to use the code. Travis Fried, [email protected]