My collection of tiny utils to help admin a flowroute account. Makes use of flowroute's public API.
Search out contiguous blocks of DIDs available for purchase
With the following specification:
STARTS_WITH = 1408740
..some typical output:
Block of 22: 14087407578 - 14087407599
Block of 52: 14087407601 - 14087407652
Block of 31: 14087407667 - 14087407697
Can also search for interesting digit sequences, see code.
Buy continguous blocks of DIDs available for purchase
With the following specification:
STARTS_WITH = 14085551200
ENDS_WITH = 14085551214
...some typical output:
Purchasing number: 14085551200... purchased
Purchasing number: 14085551201... purchased
Purchasing number: 14085551214... purchased