- Improve IO preallocation buffer.
- fix a memory leaks
HG002 on CHM13
1 node 128 cores AMD EPYC 7763 => 5h => 3,13 kwh
HG002 on HG19
1 node 128 cores AMD EPYC 7763 => 3h15 = 1,99 kwh
chm13.0123, chm13.amb, chm13.ann, chm13.bwt.2bit.64, chm13.fasta, chm13.pac
FASTQ stripping (currently 8 MDS) :
lfs setstripe -c -1 -S 1G HG002_R1.fastq
lfs migrate -c -1 -S 1G HG002_R1.fastq
Multinodes implementation of bwamem2.
Tested on AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor with 2 sockets per node.
So far only the avx2 binary is selected on these nodes.
The speed-up is almost x3 with the avx2 version.
100% reproducibility with bwamem2 in alignment (only the @PG header line is modified).
mpiBWA2 only work for fixed length and paired reads so far.
How to install:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/fredjarlier/mpiBWA2.git
cd mpiBWA2
import mpi librairies or if you have module:
. sourceme_intelmpi.sh
The reference genome:
mpiBWA2 take the same reference as bwa-mem2.
See test_mpibwa2.sh for tests and arguments.
Some results:
Align 558051664 reads paired 100x100 with hg19, AVX2 (auto-selected), intelmpi
1 node with 128 threads
$BWA2 mem -t 128 -Y -K 100000000 $REF $FASTQ1 $FASTQ2 > $SAM => 42 mn
1 node 8 mpi jobs with 16 threads per job
$MPIBWA2 mem -t 16 -Y -K 100000000 -o $OUTPUT $REF $FASTQ1 $FASTQ2 => 27 mn
2 node 16 mpi jobs with 16 threads per job
$MPIBWA2 mem -t 16 -Y -K 100000000 -o $OUTPUT $REF $FASTQ1 $FASTQ2 => 14 mn
WARNING: This product is not production ready. Use it at your own risk.
First test of mpiBWA2
This version is a prototype it works only for paired reads and not trimmed. Ii is not multinode ready due to the shared reference not implemented yet.
Tested on Intel Broadwell with mpicxx --version icpc (ICC) 17.0.6 20171215
How it works
- install Bwa-mem2-2.1 from Source_code_including_submodules.tar.gz
- then replace the Makefile with the Makefile from mpiBWA2
- add the file main_parallel_version.cpp in the folder src/
- type make, it will build all targets
- build reference with BWA-MEM2
- then use it with mpiBWA2
example command lines:
mpirun $MPIBWA2 mem -t 16 -o $SAM $REF $FASTQ1 $FASTQ2
further dev and results will follow...