✨ This workspace has been generated by Nx, Smart Monorepos · Fast CI. ✨
- apps
- backend
- framework: nestjs
- database: postgres
- orm: typeorm
- admin: adminjs
- api document: swagger
- frontend
- framework: react
- ui: antd
- backend
to create a postgres DB:
CREATE DATABASE todo_backend;
The first time you want to run the backend you'll need to run the migrations so that the DB tables are created:
yarn run migration:run
then you can run the server:
yarn run start:all
- backend: http://localhost:3000
- frontend: http://localhost:4200
login page:
you can create a new account by swagger ui or admin js, and then login with the account.
function page:
- you can add a new todo task, delete a todo task, and update a todo task.
- you can add a new step under a task, delete a step, and update a step.
you can buy AI function to auto-generate a todo task.
- swagger: http://localhost:3000/api you can test the api by swagger ui.
- admin: http://localhost:3000/admin (default user: adminUser, password: adminUser)
you already have a admin management platform, you can edit, create, delete the todo task and step, or user.
# generating migrations
yarn run migration:generate --name xxx
# running migrations
yarn run migration:run
# starting all services
yarn run start:all