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Management System for FRC competitions inside the pits

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Lightning Robotics Pit Cart Manager

This pit cart manager offers a solution to further integrate the Pit Carts into the match preparation during competitions in the future. It is comprised of two main components: the pit crew controller and the outer pit display, which both work in sync with a node backend server to get accurate results for current match data on the field.


  • A Raspberry Pi 4 or higher (or older with 2 displays)
  • Raspbian OS or another OS that supports Chromium on X server, NodeJS, and a touchscreen display
  • 1 touch screen display for the controller
  • 1 non-touch display for the pit display
  • A wired internet connection (cell network or equivalent)


This repository is developed with vanilla web JS + HTML, as well as NodeJS for the server.


There are npm scripts to run the app, but make sure that NodeJS is installed (with NVM) and that all of the appropriate packages are installed

  1. Run npm i in the downloaded directory to init libraries
  2. Run npm start to launch the application instance
  3. Traverse in Chromium to localhost:3000 to get to the schedule (or localhost:3000/tech.html to get to the controller)

.env Setup

A few flags you need to set in the project .env to get started are:

  • PORT (recommended 3000) Ignored, will always be 3000
  • SOCKET_PORT (recommended 3001) Ignored, will always be 3001
  • TEAM (number)
  • COMP_YEAR (ex. 2023) May be overriden by settings until next boot
  • COMP_CODE (usually can get from TBA ommitting the year; ex. 2023misal would be just misal) May be overriden by settings until next boot
  • STREAM_CODE (ex. firstinspires1) May be overriden by settings until next boot
  • SETTINGS_PASSWORD (string of numbers 0-8 for indexes of settings password. ex. "012" str can be length 0 to 9)

Raspberry Pi OS Setup

Use the Debian 12 (Bookworm) desktop image from the official raspberry pi site and install it.
Once the desktop is configured, go to terminal and type sudo raspi-config and set the following:

  • 1 System Options -> Update host name as nessesary
  • 1 System Options -> S5 Boot/Auto Login -> B2 Console Autologin
  • 3 Interface Options -> I2 SSH -> Yes
  • 5 Localisation Options -> L3 Keyboard -> Press enter on each screen except select yes on CTRL+ALT+BKSP dialog
  • Reboot

Installing Node via NVM

Type sudo su then type curl -o- | bash.
Check the home directory is right by typing nano /root/.bashrc and make sure the $NVM_DIR flag is set to /root/.nvm and change it if needed.
Type nvm install 18 (reload session if needed)
Exit root by typing exit and then type git clone in your home directory (non root). CD into the new directory and type npm i to update the packages.

Mock Chrome Profiles

Chromium does not allow multiple instances of the same profile to be open at once, so we need to create fake profiles to get around this. Run mkdir ~/cb-user-data/ && mkdir ~/cb-user-data/Default && mkdir ~/cb-user-data/Profile\ 1.

Startup Scripts

These scripts are used to start the application on boot. They should be located in the home directory of the default user.


source ~/.profile
if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then # Check if there is a display and is on TTY1
  cd ~/PitCartManager/ # enter project directory
  sleep 2 # may not be needed, but included here
  sudo /root/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.0/bin/node . $$ & # start the main node as root
  startx -- -nocursor # start X server without cursor


You may need to modify the flags at the start of the script depending on what screen configuration you are using, however xinput should read and configure your screen properly. Note: The screen size used was 1360x768 for the non-touch and 800x1280 for the touch screen

xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate right # rotate screen 1 (touch) 90 degrees

# prevent screensaver
xset s noblank
xset s off
xset -dpms

# get screen 2 size pin pixels
export HDMI2SIZEX=$(xrandr | grep HDMI-2 | cut -c18-21 | tr -dc '[:alnum:]\n\r')
export HDMI2SIZEY=$(xrandr | grep HDMI-2 | cut -c23-26 | tr -dc '[:alnum:]\n\r')

# map mouse input to screen 1 only
xinput map-to-output $(xinput | grep 'ILITEK-TP Mouse' | cut -c55) HDMI-1
xinput map-to-output $(xinput | grep 'ILITEK-TP' | grep -v 'Mouse' | cut -c55) HDMI-1

# rotate mouse input to match screen 1 rotation
xinput set-prop $(xinput | grep 'ILITEK-TP Mouse' | cut -c55) 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' "0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,0,1"
xinput set-prop $(xinput | grep 'ILITEK-TP' | grep -v 'Mouse' | cut -c55) 'Coordinate Transformation Matrix' "0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,0,1"

# launch screen 1 window
chromium-browser --kiosk http://localhost/tech.html --user-data-dir='/home/cart/cb-user-data/Default' --disable-infobars --window-position=0,0 --start-fullscreen --window-size=800,1280 --new-window --disable-pinch &

# launch screen 2 window
chromium-browser --kiosk http://localhost --user-data-dir='/home/cart/cb-user-data/Profile 1' --new-window --disable-infobars --window-position=1280,0 --start-fullscreen --window-size=$HDMI2SIZEX,$HDMI2SIZEY --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required

Future Plans

  • [should be fixed i think] orange color is never set back when switching matches
  • maybe add an option for world champs (changes bracket.html and changes stream presets)
  • View of current stats of comp including OPR's and current RPs (have current team at top with rankings shown)
  • robot functions that popup when detecting rio (maybe showing ip and stuff)
  • add debug options to toggles
  • enlarge match on field text
  • implement some type of scrolling for outer screen matches
  • manual data loading mode from usb (ex. we dont have cell service)
  • disable brack and alliances buttons when in not in playoff mode and add new displays for qual mode mode
  • remove password on settings and use password system on lock screen instead?
  • why is there a locked variable and a function to check if locked?
  • [not urgent] convert toggle buttons to switches
  • pull from event schedule and show current event on match screen header
  • detect when stormcloud throws a 502 and show a message on the screen
  • fix match 917 bug cuz stormcloud silly
  • dvd screen sometimes shifts images twice not in corner
  • show correct playoff match text on touch screen
  • reformat tba notice and make it friendly (maybe place a little icon next to match arrows showing tba/cloud status)
  • test git stash feature on production
  • make gray class color a little less bright
  • on match schedule screen during playoffs using stormcloud api something funky happens with match indexes (displays fine with tba)
  • global color scheme modification (moving color values to style.css)
  • everything is kinda laggy and i have no clue why lmao
  • when stream false offlines make the sync button a bright color or something (maybe add text)

Doulbe Elim Bracket Plans

  • debug spacing problems on prod
  • during middle of finals, show team next position in bracket
  • show alliance numbers next to r1 match alliances
  • optional show fourth team when applicable
  • show dq

Ranking Page Plans

  • have an order type selection dropdown


Management System for FRC competitions inside the pits







No releases published

Contributors 4
