For many years C/C++ developers have fought with build system after build system with promises of simplicity and the ability to scale your project to any scale. We aim to create a ecosystem that values actual simplicity while also having the ability to maintain compatiablility with any editor/IDE which supports CMake. While there are times in C/C++ where you need fine grained control over your project, we don't take this away, we simply extend it.
We provide default project templates which you can extend with the power of lua along with automatic depedency management. Once a project is initialized it renders template files to your project. Then you run the project, at this point, there is no need to modify the CMakeList.txt or Makefile . But if need be you do have the ability to modify your cmake template in templates/CMakeLists.txt.inja.
The package manager side of this project allows you to manage dependecies in the same way tools like cargo or npm
frate add p SDL2
frate add p cxxopts
This manages the linking of targets automatically so you can simply run frate run
to begin building the dependecies
more information can be found at Frate Official Docs
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