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Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.

NFT Solar (Airbnb Clone)

App created as an Airbnb clone to solidify Ruby on Rails knowledge and prepare for the final project.

The purpose of the app is to allow users to rent out their Star Atlas NFTs and rent other users’ NFTs.

Sign-up is needed to view the app, due to authentication.

On the NFTs page, you can create your own NFTs.

On the profile page (by clicking on the avatar) you can edit your NFTs as well as delete them from your collection.

Contributions 💪


  • Project lead;
  • Created the app with Ruby on Rails;
  • Deployed app to Heroku;
  • Created models, routes, and controllers for the app following Ruby’s MVC pattern and convention;
  • Implemented typed.js on the home page banner with javascript;
  • Implemented user authentication with the Ruby on Rails devise gem.
  • Created and styled home page;
  • Created and styled the listings page (NFTs);
  • Styled the NFT cards on the listings page, including one with bootstrap placeholder;
  • Implemented responsive layouts with bootstrap across listing page;
  • Created and styled the navbar and footer;
  • Implemented partials for re-usable assets in the app.


AirBnb clone for Le Wagon Rails week






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Contributors 4
