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HowTo configure events

unocelli edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 1 revision

In the Shapes and button control you can configure the mouse Events click, mouseDown, mouseUp to execute tasks.

Open Page

Used to display a View in Main window.

Open Card

Used to display a View as Popup window. The Card will be displayed next to the mouse at the time of the event, several cards can be displayed at the same time. The same Card can be used for example to show values of more pumps.

Open Dialog

Used to display a View as Dialog, typically to configure values. The Dialog will be displayed on top of the screen. The same Dialog can be used for example to configure values of more pumps.

Open iframe

Used to open a window as iframe (embedded HTML document from external sources). You can define the window size and the zoom scala.

Open Window

Used to open a window in a new browser. You can define the window size.

Set Value

Used to set Tags value or increase and decrease current value.

Toggle Value

Used to toggle the Tags value 1/0 (if 1 set to 0, if 0 set to 1).

Set from Input and Close

Combined can be used to set some values through a dialog with a OK confirmation