This repository contains a skeleton of a cordova application using the aurelia framework. You need to have installed jspm, nodejs, npm, cordova and gulp.
The main application source is inside the folder src. With the gulp build task we copy the source and it's dependencies to the www folder. These step also transpiles the ECMAScript 6 code to ECMAScript 5. The gulp task bundle will use the aurelia bundler to combine all javascripts and templates to two files. Inside the aurelia.js file will be the aurelia framework with all dependencies. Our source folder src/js will be combined to app-build.js. The system.js file of jspm will read the config.js and knows which files to use after bundling.
Install all dependencies with node and javascript package managers
npm install && jspm install -y
Build the application for development
gulp build
Build the application for production
gulp bundle
Add a platform of your choice to cordova
cordova platform add android
Run the app on an android emulator or connected device
cordova run android