Experience the new Google AI Model 'Gemini' on any device. This application is pure front-end, the API key and your name are stored in your browser and used to make requests, and all server connections are made directly to Google Servers. Test it online
- User now gets feedback if try to access without an API Key.
- User gets feedback if try to request with an invalid API Key.
- It's possible to clear the chat history saved on the browser.
- Light mode.
- A proxy can be passed for all API requests from Setup.
- Fix: Gemini now understands the Chat History.
- Hotfix: Last outbound message was being sent twice.
- Easier way to setup API Key
- Greeting or empty state when chatlog is empty.
- None reported yet.
- npm i
- npm start
docker compose up # http://localhost:5173
Check this step-by-step guide created by @TSSFL