Release v0.4.0
334 commits
to master
since this release
🚀 Features
- feat: Add user details under editing section (#1930) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add profile verification (#1905) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Filter call for speakers event (#1891) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Handle app link intent for events (#1871) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Set ticket buyer details non editable (#1883) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Add time counter on ordering ticket (#1843) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Set up similar events in order completed fragment (#1878) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Add create/load speaker profile for user (#1816) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Show date and time wise check-in (#1851) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Add checking required fields (#1859) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add filter for sessions and speakers (#1835) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Add billing information section (#1850) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add offline payment methods (#1841) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Update Check-in status in orders (#1844) - @liveHarshit
- feat: Add code of conduct (#1837) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add skip button (#1821) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add shared element transition (#1688) - @anhanh11001
- feat: Add call for speaker section (#1792) - @anhanh11001
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: Display valid information about sessions, speakers, call for speakers (#1902) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Revalidate profile from API (#1918) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Order completed to events navigation (#1922) - @liveHarshit
- fix: crash on sign up (#1924) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Avoid crash on OrderCompleted (#1919) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Ticket/order detail UI (#1908) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Update progress on error in event details (#1903) - @liveHarshit
- fix: invalid email in AuthFragment (#1901) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Handle progress in event details fragment (#1894) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Improve AttendeeFragment (#1890) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Sign Up not working (#1889) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Order cancel alert dialog (#1884) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Progress in Attendee fragment (#1876) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Ticket registration form (#1864) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Wrong event URL is being shared (#1862) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Add payment mode (#1860) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Navigation to tickets form order completed fragment (#1852) - @liveHarshit
- fix: App crashes on registering free tickets (#1854) - @liveHarshit
- fix(ui): Order under user fragment (#1847) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Make search filter fragment scrollable (#1840) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Retain chip state and search results after re-selecting the chip (#1828) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Improve navigation with AuthFragment (#1826) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Avoid app crash on login API version <= 24 (#1834) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Improve AttendeesFragment (#1810) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Make ticket options updatable (#1820) - @anhanh11001
- fix(ui): Profile fragment and Navigation (#1814) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Retrieve stripe api key from build config (#1812) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Load event detail UI immediately on EventDetailsFragment (#1799) - @anhanh11001
- fix: Fix shared element transition problems for older version (#1807) - @anhanh11001
- fix: crash on coming back from AuthFragment (#1806) - @anhanh11001
- fix: app crashes on screen rotation in TicketsFragment (#1802) - @anhanh11001
- fix: updated favourites on event navigation & continuous topic api calls (#1707) - @aman210697
- fix: Add crashed on selecting location from welcome fragment (#1797) - @liveHarshit
- fix: Remove click listeners to remove memory leaks (#1766) - @anhanh11001
🧰 Maintenance
- chore: Bump preference from alpha01 to beta01 and fix errors (#1917) - @liveHarshit
- chore: Bump version code and name for release v0.4.0 (#1899) - @liveHarshit
- chore: Release v0.3.0 (#1791) (#1892) - @iamareebjamal
Dependencies and Libraries
- chore(deps): bump appcompat from 1.1.0-alpha05 to 1.1.0-beta01 (#1914) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump adapter-rxjava2 from 2.4.0 to 2.6.0 (#1915) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump nav_version from 2.1.0-alpha04 to 2.1.0-alpha05 (#1913) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump converter-jackson from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#1911) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump recyclerview from 1.1.0-alpha05 to 1.1.0-alpha06 (#1910) - @dependabot-preview
- chore: Bump preference from alpha01 to beta01 and fix errors (#1917) - @liveHarshit
- chore(deps): bump retrofit from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#1909) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump threetenabp from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (#1893) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): Bump koin_version to 2.0.1 (#1888) - @liveHarshit
- chore(deps): bump runner from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 (#1866) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump espresso-core from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 (#1868) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump rxjava from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 (#1867) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump material from 1.1.0-alpha06 to 1.1.0-alpha07 (#1865) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump roomVersion from 2.1.0-beta01 to 2.1.0-rc01 (#1855) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump stripe-android from 9.0.1 to 9.1.1 (#1856) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump leakcanary-android from 2.0-alpha-1 to 2.0-alpha-2 (#1809) - @dependabot-preview
- chore(deps): bump logging-interceptor from 3.14.1 to 3.14.2 (#1800) - @dependabot-preview
Thanks a lot to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aman210697, @anhanh11001, @dependabot-preview, @dependabot-preview[bot], @dependabot[bot], @iamareebjamal and @liveHarshit