This is only public so I can easily share it across machines. There is probably nothing of interest for you here ... or is there?
My usage is mostly terminal-based, via Crostini on Chromebook, WSL2 on Windows, and (rarely) MacOS terminal. Making heavy use of:
- Bash / Tmux
- FZF / pistol / fd / ripgrep
- Neovim
- cmus
Graphical sections are Linux-only, and use:
- sway / swaync / waybar
- WezTerm
- Firefox
On MacOS, use:
- WezTerm
- Rectangle
git clone --branch debian-bookworm
Once you've run setup, you'll still have to do the following universal manual steps (see platform-specific sections for more):
Generate this machine's SSH keys:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$(hostname)"
Then add the key into GitHub and wherever else
Add any additional ssh keys into
Might need to extract out of 1Password, once downloaded will have the password removed. To restore, do
ssh-keygen -p -f KEY_FILE
Alternatively, try using the command line
to get the keys:op item get SSH_KEY_ITEM_ID --fields "private key" --reveal > ~/.ssh/xxx && op item get SSH_KEY_ITEM_ID --fields "public key" > ~/.ssh/ # Private key has quotes around it, so need to remove them before this next step ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/xxx chmod 400 ~/.ssh/xxx*
Authorize your public keys on the new machine:
ssh-import-id gh:fortes
Add your favorite servers into
:[user] name = Your Name email = [email protected]
If you need to tweak any config based upon the directory path, do something like
[includeIf "gitdir:~/src/company/"] path = ~/.config/git/company.gitconfig
Log into GitHub Copilot / Claude Code
# GitHub CLI client gh auth login # Install the Copilot extension gh extension install github/gh-copilot # May also need to update the Copilot extensions gh extension upgrade gh-copilot # Launch Claude Code, which will take you through the flow claude # Copilot Vim extension by doing `:Copilot setup` # Make sure `ENABLE_GITHUB_COPILOT` variable is set in `~/.profile.local`
Log into Spotify via
Add keys for
viallm keys set xxx
(or copy over from another machine from~/.config/io.datasette.llm
git update-index --skip-worktree ./symlinks/npmrc
To make changes in the future:
git update-index --no-skip-worktree ./symlinks/npmrc
- Log into sync accounts, extensions should automatically install
- Run
manually to make sure to linkuser.js
for Firefox now that a profile has been created - Configure uBlock Origin
- Enable in private mode
- Enable cloud storage mode. Should do the following for you, but doesn't always work:
- Enable annoyances filters
- Add Bypass paywalls clean filter
- Log into sync accounts, extensions should automatically install
Run browser setup above
Can install some optional apps via scripts:
Depending on the machine, you may need
in order to unmute your audio output via GUI. ** Alternatively, find the name of the desired output viapacmd list-sinks
then runpacmd set-default-sink $SINK_NAME
and make sure to unmute viapacmd set-sink-mute [name] 0
If running multiple monitors, need to configure Wacom tablet to only use a specific monitor:
input "type:tablet_tool" { map_to_output DP-1 }
For High DPI displays, create a
file with the properXft.dpi
for example) -
To mount SMB shares on boot, add something like the following to
://machine-name/share /media/share cifs nofail,user=,password=,ro 0 0
- Do setup via phone, should copy over everything
- Set local device password and PIN for quicker local login
- Extensions, settings, and play store apps should automatically sync
- Night light might need to be manually set up?
- Chrome Extension Setup
- 1Password: Login to account
- uBlock Origin Lite: Set default config
- Enable Linux, choose a larger disk size (20GB fine?). Double check which debian version it is via
lsb_release -a
(should bebookworm
) - Run
- Share
folder with Linux, then symlink vialn -s /mnt/chromeos/MyFiles/Downloads ~/downloads
- Change terminal font by going to
- Add
'DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd'
to the beginning of "Text Font Family" - Add the following to custom CSS:
@font-face { font-family: "DejaVu Sans Mono Nerd"; src: url(; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }
- Add
- Run all Windows Updates
- Install machine-specific drivers, update BIOS, etc
- Uninstall Teams, and other pre-installed unwanted things
- Enable BitLocker
- Adjust taskbar settings
- Adjust settings for Snipping tool, make sure to save to
folder - Disable browser tabs from being in Alt-Tab list (Settings -> System -> Multitasking)
- Disable "When I snap a window, suggest what I can snap next to it" in System -> Multitasking
- Turn on clipboard history by hitting Windows-V
- Set Windows Terminal as default terminal application
- Download JetBrains Mono and set it as the default font in Windows Terminal
- Choose reasonable default colors for Windows Terminal
- Enable Hyper-V (required for WSL, useful for VMs)
- Search for
in start menu, will show up in obscure UI for settings
- Search for
- Enable Windows Sandbox
- Accept MS Store terms for
, runningwinget list
should prompt - Get WinGet via MS Store via
App Installer
winget install AgileBits.1Password
winget install Mozilla.Firefox
winget install OpenWhisperSystems.Signal
- Depending on machine setup, the following might be of use as well
winget install Google.Chrome.Dev
winget install Microsoft.MouseandKeyboardCenter
winget install Microsoft.PowerToys
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
winget install Plex.PlexAmp
winget install VideoLAN.VLC
winget install Zoom.Zoom
- If gaming, also install:
winget install Blizzard.BattleNet
winget install Valve.Steam
- [Optional] Allocate more memory for WSL VM by creating/adding to
:[wsl2] memory=16G
- [Optional] Enable
for VM by creating/adding to/etc/wsl.conf
:[boot] systemd=true
- Install
Windows Subsystem for Linux
via runningwsl --install Debian
(in an admin terminal) - Enter the WSL2 container and run
sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
- Clone this repo and run
- [Optional] Set Debian as the default terminal
- To auto-mount network shares, do something like this in
special for WSL):\\machine-name\share /mnt/machine-share drvfs defaults,ro,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022 0 0
- [Optional] Allocate more memory for WSL VM by creating/adding to
- 1Password
- Sign into account
- Disable global keyboard shortcuts
- Firefox
- Sign into account
- VS Code
- Sign in via GitHub to sync
- (optional) Sign into GitHub Co-pilot
- Install extensions (in case sync doesn't work)
- Copilot
- vim
- Steam &
- Sign in and install games locally
Still a work in progress, but kinda works
- Set up TouchID, Apple account if required
- Remove all the junk from the dock
- Enable Night Shift and set to Sunset to Sunrise
- Turn off Natural Scrolling
- Increase keyboard repeat rate to max, delay to min
- Change Globe key to Control dictation
- Disable iCloud syncing of all but Find My Mac & Safari
- Set
profile, send option as meta key - May want to install command line tools manually in order to get
:xcode-select --install
- Run
- Make sure keys repeat properly in VSCode:
defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- For other apps that have this issue, do the following:
# Get the app id osascript -e 'id of app "Cursor"' # Outputs something like `com.todesktop.xxxxx` defaults write -g com.todesktop.xxxxx ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- For other apps that have this issue, do the following:
sucks with colors, switch to WezTerm and pin it in the dock- Make sure
starts on login - Install the 1Password extension in Safari (others should sync automatically)
Need to first build the thing
docker build -t dotfiles .
Then run it like so to do work via your home directory
docker run -it --rm --name dotfiles dotfiles
To share files, use -v /path/to/host:/path/to/container
, for example if sharing the ~/src
docker run -it --rm --name dotfiles -v ~/src:/home/fortes/src dotfiles
Also need to manually start neovim to install plugins
- Firefox and VSCode casks get ornery and no longer update via brew
- Media keys on Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard sometimes aren't detected, disconnect/reconnect USB may be enough to fix?
- Mouse wheel speed also sometimes goes to a better default after disconnect/reconnect
- 1Password can't manage to save authentication, dies trying to talk to keychain via dbus (for some reason, looking for
and ignores gnome keyring) 1password
GUI not installing correctly, something wrong w/ bash logic
- Look into publishing a docker container via GitHub actions
is now unmaintained, need to either go to eza orlsd
- Move from
- Get
setup for this repo - Get remote VSCode settings synced up as well, currently in
- Figure out how to get M1 CI running to check builds
- Figure out what Windows 11 tweaks & usability improvements to copy
- Get things working in GitHub codespaces, which seems to use Ubuntu 20.04.06 LTS underneath. Currently fails silently trying to install backports sources. Troubleshooting instructions can be helpful
- Figure out how to use Hammerspoon to have media keys control cmus, instead of launching iTunes (gross)
- Try switching from docker to podman
- Look into
or similar for showing keypresses for screencasts, etc - Figure out Lutris / Wine / Proton for Linux gaming
- Auto-publish Docker images
- Better colorschemes, coordinated everywhere
- Check themer for generation
- Easier swapping into light mode
can be better and used elsewhere: - RootLoops for generation
- Figure out how to get USB-C DP Alt devices to work, might need displaylink-debian or at the very least
- Get Nvidia Drivers drivers with a reasonable resolution for linux console
- Install
and run to check support - Install
- Get better resolution when booted into console by adding
, then runsudo update-grub
- Install
- Learn from Wayland Apps in Wireguard Docker Containers and see if anything worth copying
- Dotfile managers might have something better than GNU