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@Dmytro-Melnyshyn Dmytro-Melnyshyn released this 23 Feb 16:16
· 340 commits to master since this release
  • UIQM-275 Derive a new MARC bib/Edit a MARC bib | Link/Unlink a MARC bib field to/from an Authority record
  • UIQM-309 Make PUT /records request to save authority links after deriving a MARC Bib record
  • UIQM-281 FE | Linked bib fields | Derive a new MARC bibliographic record handling
  • UIQM-307 Link then Unlink bib field before saving record behavior
  • UIQM-312 Create a test Harness for quick marc tests
  • UIQM-314 Enable authority linking for the following MARC bib fields
  • UIQM-317 Linking of empty field with "MARC Authority" record doesn't happen
  • UIQM-313 Reference "MARC Authority" record is opened when user clicks on the "View MARC authority record" icon
  • UIQM-315 Rename "Duplicate BIB" feature to "Derive BIB" feature
  • UIQM-320 The permission "quickMARC: Can Link/unlink authority records to bib records" is hidden on UI.
  • UIQM-319 Not actual "relatedRecordVersion" value sends when user saves "MARC Bib" record
  • UIQM-295 FE - Linking Bib field 240 to Authority field 100/110/111
  • UIQM-333 Display an error message when user attempts to select an invalid authority heading
  • UIQM-297 FE | View Source | If a bib field is authorized then display authorized indicator
  • UIQM-332 Default search/browse option and Authority source file selections based on MARC bib field to be linked
  • UIQM-322 Edit MARC authority app | User edits the 1XX value and has linked bib fields
  • UIQM-331 Edit MARC authority: Handling updates 1XX or 010 $a value
  • UIQM-339 Uncontrolled subfield moved to read only box when linked "MARC Authority" has the same subfield indicator
  • UIQM-335 MARC Bibliographic | Print Source record
  • UIQM-330 FE - Edit MARC Authority record | MARC field 010 is not repeatable
  • UIQM-353 Fix "Reference" record opens when user clicks on the "View" icon next to the linked "MARC Bib" field
  • UIQM-345 Edit a MARC authority record | Do not allow user to delete 1XX field
  • UIQM-343 Edit/Derive a MARC bib record | Do not allow a user to delete MARC field 245
  • UIQM-344 Create/Edit MARC holdings | Do not allow user to delete MARC field 852
  • UIQM-341 Error handling | Edit/Derive a new MARC bib record | User adds an invalid $9
  • UIQM-370 Error when clearing "1XX" field tag for "MARC authority" record
  • UIQM-368 Bump stripes to 8.0.0 for Orchid/2023-R1
  • UIQM-359 Change to Linked MARC authority record has been updated confirmation messaging
  • UIQM-347 quickMARC | Show errors messages then show confirmation messages
  • UIQM-337 Controlled subfield is displayed as not controlled after linking of MARC Bib field with MARC Authority
  • UIQM-373 Save buttons are not disabled after removing unsaved updates from linked field in "MARC bib" record
  • UIQM-376 Reference MARC Authority record is opened when user clicks on the "MARC Authority" icon next to the controlled field
  • UIQM-349 Align the module with mod-search API breaking change
  • UIQM-348 Change to Linked MARC authority record has been updated confirmation messaging
  • UIQM-390 Fix exception when changing tag value to "010" in "MARC authority" record without "010" field
  • UIQM-367 Show an error toast message when user enters a subfield that is/can be controlled by an authority record or is the linking match point
  • UIQM-394 No delete icon for "010" field with valid value in "MARC authority" record not controlling any "MARC bib" record
  • UIQM-375 Do not add "http://" to "base url" when user links "MARC Bib's" field with "MARC Authority"
  • UIQM-386 Edit MARC authority | Add/Edit 010 $a when linking is based on 001.
  • UIQM-385 Edit/Derive quickMARC | Allow user to drag text boxes to view all content
  • UIQM-402 Add linkingRuleId to the request body for linked fields
  • UIQM-351 MARC Authority | Print Source record
  • UIQM-403 Bump stripes-acq-components to 4.0.0
  • UIQM-352 MARC Holdings | Print Source record