Full Changelog
UIQM-148 Change error message when MARC tag does not contain 3 digits.
UIQM-155 Update according changed logic for deriving.
UIQM-153 Optimistic locking: update payload when update a marc record.
UIQM-157 Fix validation for new row of quickMarc record.
UIQM-159 Remove unnecessary cancellation modal on derive record page.
UIQM-163 Edit bib record: Update error messaging when entered an invalid value for Leader/05.
UIQM-132 Create a MARC Holdings Record.
UIQM-177 Omit Record
on Status and Last updated labels when Edit/Derive quickMARC.
UIQM-167 Do not allow user to add multiple 004s for MARC Holdings.
UIQM-164 Autopopulate an empty indicator box with a backslash when a value is missing in a box.
UIQM-166 Do not allow user to add multiple 852s for MARC Holdings.
UIQM-182 Update onSubmit action for <QuickMarcCreateWrapper>
UIQM-181 Add as a default 008
and 852
fields to create MARC Holdings record page.
UIQM-183 Add QuickMarcView component.
UIQM-191 Use supported uuid
UIQM-142 Edit MARC authority record via quickMARC.
Lock faker
UIQM-195 Changes for MARC Authorities App: Closing third pane does not resize the second pane.
UIQM-198 Saving a MARC holdings record upon creation/update displays Instance record then Holdings record.
UIQM-199 MARC Authority: Implement App context menu and keyboard shortcuts.
UIQM-196 Update error message when user adds multiple 1XXs.
UIQM-190 Edit MARC holdings (quickMARC) update paneheader display.
UIQM-189 Add/Edit MARC holdings record: Improve error messaging when user enters an invalid Location (852 $b) value
UIQM-187 Add a new MARC holdings/Edit MARC Holdings - 852 field display a Location Lookup link and modal.
UIQM-197 Edit MARC authority record | Remove last 1XX crashes MARC Authority app.
UIQM-203 MARC Holdings: Update 008 default position values.
UIQM-204 Edit MARC holdings via quickMARC > Cannot save 008's Gen ret position.
UIQM-205 Improve handling of parsing multiple subfields.
UIQM-202 Fix tests that fail due to timeouts on Jenkins.
UIQM-209 Highlight clicked on Heading/Reference in Authorities Detail record
UIQM-207 ui-quick-marc: Configure GitHub actions
You can’t perform that action at this time.