UISAUTCOMP-135: useAutoOpenDetailView
- block auto-open on mount if…
GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results
Dec 20, 2024 in 0s
All 181 tests pass in 2m 3s
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github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results
181 tests found
There are 181 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display "Reset all" button ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display "Reset all" button
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display "Search" button ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display "Search" button
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display dropdown with default searchable indexes ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display dropdown with default searchable indexes
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display textarea ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should display textarea
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should render AdvancedSearch button ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should render AdvancedSearch button
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should render with no axe errors ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm should render with no axe errors
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should clear textarea ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should clear textarea
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should close detail view ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should close detail view
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should focus textarea ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should focus textarea
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should handle setSelectedAuthorityRecordContext ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when textarea is not empty and Reset all button is clicked should handle setSelectedAuthorityRecordContext
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when toggle navigation segment to Browse should display dropdown with searchable indexes for browse segment ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when toggle navigation segment to Browse should display dropdown with searchable indexes for browse segment
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when toggle navigation segment to Browse should focus back on the search input ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when toggle navigation segment to Browse should focus back on the search input
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when toggle navigation segment to Search should focus back on the search input ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when toggle navigation segment to Search should focus back on the search input
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when using Advanced Search should show Advanced Search modal ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when using Advanced Search should show Advanced Search modal
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when using Advanced Search when component was loaded with initial search should apply all url parameters ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when using Advanced Search when component was loaded with initial search should apply all url parameters
Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when using Advanced Search when making changes to rows and searching should update search textarea ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchForm when using Advanced Search when making changes to rows and searching should update search textarea
Given AuthoritiesSearchPane should render with no axe errors ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchPane should render with no axe errors
Given AuthoritiesSearchPane when filter pane is collapsed should not render anything ‑ Given AuthoritiesSearchPane when filter pane is collapsed should not render anything
Given AuthoritySourceFilter should render filter ‑ Given AuthoritySourceFilter should render filter
Given AuthoritySourceFilter should render with no axe errors ‑ Given AuthoritySourceFilter should render with no axe errors
Given AuthoritySourceFilter when source file id is mapped to a label should display label ‑ Given AuthoritySourceFilter when source file id is mapped to a label should display label
Given AuthoritySourceFilter when source file id is not mapped to a label should display id ‑ Given AuthoritySourceFilter when source file id is not mapped to a label should display id
Given AuthoritySourceFilter when source filter option id is NULL should display "Not specified" ‑ Given AuthoritySourceFilter when source filter option id is NULL should display "Not specified"
Given BrowseFilters should display all filters ‑ Given BrowseFilters should display all filters
Given BrowseFilters should render Authority source ‑ Given BrowseFilters should render Authority source
Given BrowseFilters should render Type of heading filter ‑ Given BrowseFilters should render Type of heading filter
Given BrowseFilters when clearing a filter should call setFilters with correct filters ‑ Given BrowseFilters when clearing a filter should call setFilters with correct filters
Given BrowseFilters when expanding all filters should render with no axe errors ‑ Given BrowseFilters when expanding all filters should render with no axe errors
Given BrowseFilters when there are excluded filters should display only non-excluded filters ‑ Given BrowseFilters when there are excluded filters should display only non-excluded filters
Given CheckboxFacet should render checkbox ‑ Given CheckboxFacet should render checkbox
Given CheckboxFacet should render with no axe errors ‑ Given CheckboxFacet should render with no axe errors
Given FacetOptionFormatter should render option facet count ‑ Given FacetOptionFormatter should render option facet count
Given FacetOptionFormatter should render option label ‑ Given FacetOptionFormatter should render option label
Given FacetOptionFormatter should render with no axe errors ‑ Given FacetOptionFormatter should render with no axe errors
Given FilterNavigation should display Search and Browse navigation toggle ‑ Given FilterNavigation should display Search and Browse navigation toggle
Given FilterNavigation should render with no axe errors ‑ Given FilterNavigation should render with no axe errors
Given FilterNavigation when toggle navigation segment should handle onClick ‑ Given FilterNavigation when toggle navigation segment should handle onClick
Given Filters utils getSelectedFacets when there are no selected facets should return an empty array ‑ Given Filters utils getSelectedFacets when there are no selected facets should return an empty array
Given Filters utils getSelectedFacets when there are selected facets should return an array of selected facets ‑ Given Filters utils getSelectedFacets when there are selected facets should return an array of selected facets
Given Filters utils onClearFilter should handle setFilters ‑ Given Filters utils onClearFilter should handle setFilters
Given Filters utils updateFilters should handle setFilters ‑ Given Filters utils updateFilters should handle setFilters
Given MultiSelectionFacet should render multiselect ‑ Given MultiSelectionFacet should render multiselect
Given MultiSelectionFacet should render with no axe errors ‑ Given MultiSelectionFacet should render with no axe errors
Given MultiSelectionFacet when there are values that are missing in options should format the labels accordingly ‑ Given MultiSelectionFacet when there are values that are missing in options should format the labels accordingly
Given Provider when the readParamsFromUrl is false should store authority record for Search and Browse searches apart based on navigationSegmentValue ‑ Given Provider when the readParamsFromUrl is false should store authority record for Search and Browse searches apart based on navigationSegmentValue
Given Provider when the readParamsFromUrl is true should store selected authority record for Search and Browse searches separately ‑ Given Provider when the readParamsFromUrl is true should store selected authority record for Search and Browse searches separately
Given SearchFilters should display all filters ‑ Given SearchFilters should display all filters
Given SearchFilters should render Authority source ‑ Given SearchFilters should render Authority source
Given SearchFilters should render Thesaurus filter ‑ Given SearchFilters should render Thesaurus filter
Given SearchFilters should render Type of heading filter ‑ Given SearchFilters should render Type of heading filter
Given SearchFilters should render created date filter ‑ Given SearchFilters should render created date filter
Given SearchFilters should render updated date filter ‑ Given SearchFilters should render updated date filter
Given SearchFilters when clearing a filter should call setFilters with correct filters ‑ Given SearchFilters when clearing a filter should call setFilters with correct filters
Given SearchFilters when expanding all filters should render with no axe errors ‑ Given SearchFilters when expanding all filters should render with no axe errors
Given SearchFilters when there are excluded filters should display only non-excluded filters ‑ Given SearchFilters when there are excluded filters should display only non-excluded filters
Given SearchResultsList should display authority sources in the list ‑ Given SearchResultsList should display authority sources in the list
Given SearchResultsList should display columns ‑ Given SearchResultsList should display columns
Given SearchResultsList should display empty message ‑ Given SearchResultsList should display empty message
Given SearchResultsList should render MCL component ‑ Given SearchResultsList should render MCL component
Given SearchResultsList should render the passed HeadingRef component for each row ‑ Given SearchResultsList should render the passed HeadingRef component for each row
Given SearchResultsList should render with no axe errors ‑ Given SearchResultsList should render with no axe errors
Given SearchResultsList when a search fails due to an unknown http error should display a generic error message ‑ Given SearchResultsList when a search fails due to an unknown http error should display a generic error message
Given SearchResultsList when a user clicks on the row should set the row data ‑ Given SearchResultsList when a user clicks on the row should set the row data
Given SearchResultsList when a user clicks the row container should not break the page and set undefined to setSelectedAuthorityRecord ‑ Given SearchResultsList when a user clicks the row container should not break the page and set undefined to setSelectedAuthorityRecord
Given SearchResultsList when both isAnchor and isExactMatch flags are true and sourceField is not NULL should display authority source in the row ‑ Given SearchResultsList when both isAnchor and isExactMatch flags are true and sourceField is not NULL should display authority source in the row
Given SearchResultsList when isAnchor is true and isExactMatch is false should not display nullOption in the authority source column ‑ Given SearchResultsList when isAnchor is true and isExactMatch is false should not display nullOption in the authority source column
Given SearchResultsList when record is an anchor should display "would be here" message ‑ Given SearchResultsList when record is an anchor should display "would be here" message
Given SearchResultsList when record is an anchor should display an exclamation-circle icon ‑ Given SearchResultsList when record is an anchor should display an exclamation-circle icon
Given SearchResultsList when search is finished and no results were returned should display pending message ‑ Given SearchResultsList when search is finished and no results were returned should display pending message
Given SearchResultsList when show columns checkbox for "Select" is checked should display 4 columns ‑ Given SearchResultsList when show columns checkbox for "Select" is checked should display 4 columns
Given SearchResultsList when show columns checkbox for "Type of Heading" is not checked should display 2 columns ‑ Given SearchResultsList when show columns checkbox for "Type of Heading" is not checked should display 2 columns
Given SearchResultsList when there is no permission to search for records should display the error message ‑ Given SearchResultsList when there is no permission to search for records should display the error message
Given SearchTextareaField should render Select component ‑ Given SearchTextareaField should render Select component
Given SearchTextareaField should render textarea ‑ Given SearchTextareaField should render textarea
Given SearchTextareaField should render with no axe errors ‑ Given SearchTextareaField should render with no axe errors
Given SubjectHeadingsFilter should render filter ‑ Given SubjectHeadingsFilter should render filter
Given SubjectHeadingsFilter should render with no axe errors ‑ Given SubjectHeadingsFilter should render with no axe errors
Given SubjectHeadingsFilter when subject heading code is mapped to a label should display label ‑ Given SubjectHeadingsFilter when subject heading code is mapped to a label should display label
Given SubjectHeadingsFilter when subject heading code is not mapped to a label should display code ‑ Given SubjectHeadingsFilter when subject heading code is not mapped to a label should display code
Given buildQuery when 'reference filter' values are provided should return correct query when 'excludeSeeFrom' is selected ‑ Given buildQuery when 'reference filter' values are provided should return correct query when 'excludeSeeFrom' is selected
Given buildQuery when 'reference filter' values are provided should return correct query when 'excludeSeeFromAlso' is selected ‑ Given buildQuery when 'reference filter' values are provided should return correct query when 'excludeSeeFromAlso' is selected
Given buildQuery when 'reference filter' values are provided should return correct query when both 'excludeSeeFromAlso' and 'excludeSeeFromAlso' are selected ‑ Given buildQuery when 'reference filter' values are provided should return correct query when both 'excludeSeeFromAlso' and 'excludeSeeFromAlso' are selected
Given buildQuery when LCCN index is provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when LCCN index is provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when childrenSubjectHeading index provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when childrenSubjectHeading index provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when identifier index provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when identifier index provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when identifier index provided when isExcludedSeeFromLimiter is true should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when identifier index provided when isExcludedSeeFromLimiter is true should return correct query
Given buildQuery when identifier with backward slash is provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when identifier with backward slash is provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when identifier with forward slash is provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when identifier with forward slash is provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when index with different names for plain, sft, and saft prefixes provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when index with different names for plain, sft, and saft prefixes provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when index with plain, sft, and saft prefixes provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when index with plain, sft, and saft prefixes provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when keyword index provided should return correct query ‑ Given buildQuery when keyword index provided should return correct query
Given buildQuery when non-existent index provided should return an empty string ‑ Given buildQuery when non-existent index provided should return an empty string
Given markHighlightedFields utils should not set isHighlighted 100 tag when heading-ref is deferent then marc heading ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should not set isHighlighted 100 tag when heading-ref is deferent then marc heading
Given markHighlightedFields utils should not set isHighlighted 100 tag when marc heading is deferent then heading-ref ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should not set isHighlighted 100 tag when marc heading is deferent then heading-ref
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag even marc has subfields that not in mapping rules ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag even marc has subfields that not in mapping rules
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag with t subfield ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag with t subfield
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag. No mapping rules ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 100 tag. No mapping rules
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 110 tag. No mapping rule for 110 ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 110 tag. No mapping rule for 110
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 400 tag with t subfield ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 400 tag with t subfield
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 500 tag with t subfield ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHighlighted 500 tag with t subfield
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHightlighted 400 tag when authRefType is Reference ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHightlighted 400 tag when authRefType is Reference
Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHightlighted 500 tag when authRefType is Auth/Ref ‑ Given markHighlightedFields utils should set isHightlighted 500 tag when authRefType is Auth/Ref
Given useAuthorities fetches authorities records ‑ Given useAuthorities fetches authorities records
Given useAuthorities should have escaped query ‑ Given useAuthorities should have escaped query
Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true should form an advanced search query ‑ Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true should form an advanced search query
Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true should have LCCN search query ‑ Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true should have LCCN search query
Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true should have escaped query ‑ Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true should have escaped query
Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true when the "Identifier (all)" search option is opted should build correct search query ‑ Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true when the "Identifier (all)" search option is opted should build correct search query
Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true when the "Subject" search option is opted and both filters "Exclude see from" and "Exclude see from also" are selected should build search query without sftTopicalTerm and saftTopicalTerm ‑ Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true when the "Subject" search option is opted and both filters "Exclude see from" and "Exclude see from also" are selected should build search query without sftTopicalTerm and saftTopicalTerm
Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true when the "Subject" search option is opted should build correct search query ‑ Given useAuthorities when isAdvancedSearch prop is true when the "Subject" search option is opted should build correct search query
Given useAuthorities when query is not provided should return an empty string ‑ Given useAuthorities when query is not provided should return an empty string
Given useAuthorities when search by identifier should return correct query string ‑ Given useAuthorities when search by identifier should return correct query string
Given useAuthorities when sort options are presented when sort order is "descending" should add "sortBy authRefType/sort.ascending" to query ‑ Given useAuthorities when sort options are presented when sort order is "descending" should add "sortBy authRefType/sort.ascending" to query
Given useAuthorities when sort options are presented when sort order is "descending" should add "sortBy authRefType/sort.descending" to query ‑ Given useAuthorities when sort options are presented when sort order is "descending" should add "sortBy authRefType/sort.descending" to query
Given useAuthorities when the "Subject" search option is opted and both filters "Exclude see from" and "Exclude see from also" are selected should build search query without sftTopicalTerm and saftTopicalTerm ‑ Given useAuthorities when the "Subject" search option is opted and both filters "Exclude see from" and "Exclude see from also" are selected should build search query without sftTopicalTerm and saftTopicalTerm
Given useAuthorities when the "Subject" search option is opted should build correct search query ‑ Given useAuthorities when the "Subject" search option is opted should build correct search query
Given useAuthoritiesBrowse should fetch main page ‑ Given useAuthoritiesBrowse should fetch main page
Given useAuthoritiesBrowse should fetch the next page ‑ Given useAuthoritiesBrowse should fetch the next page
Given useAuthoritiesBrowse should fetch the previous page ‑ Given useAuthoritiesBrowse should fetch the previous page
Given useAuthoritiesBrowse when filters are applied should request data based on the filters ‑ Given useAuthoritiesBrowse when filters are applied should request data based on the filters
Given useAuthoritiesBrowse when search query changes should request new data ‑ Given useAuthoritiesBrowse when search query changes should request new data
Given useAuthoritiesBrowse when the user navigates to another route should not reset browsePageQuery ‑ Given useAuthoritiesBrowse when the user navigates to another route should not reset browsePageQuery
Given useAuthority should fetch authority file in batches ‑ Given useAuthority should fetch authority file in batches
Given useAuthority should fetch authority file ‑ Given useAuthority should fetch authority file
Given useAuthorityMappingRules should fetch source files ‑ Given useAuthorityMappingRules should fetch source files
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles should fetch source files ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles should fetch source files
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using createFile method should call onCreateSuccess ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using createFile method should call onCreateSuccess
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using createFile method should call patch with correct data ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using createFile method should call patch with correct data
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using deleteFile method should call onDeleteSuccess ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using deleteFile method should call onDeleteSuccess
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using deleteFile method should call patch with correct data ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using deleteFile method should call patch with correct data
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using updateFile method should call onUpdateSuccess ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using updateFile method should call onUpdateSuccess
Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using updateFile method should call patch with correct data ‑ Given useAuthoritySourceFiles when using updateFile method should call patch with correct data
Given useFacets should fetch facets ‑ Given useFacets should fetch facets
Given useFacets when filters change should re-fetch facets ‑ Given useFacets when filters change should re-fetch facets
Given useHighlightEditedRecord when no record is selected in context should not return a record to highlight ‑ Given useHighlightEditedRecord when no record is selected in context should not return a record to highlight
Given useHighlightEditedRecord when previous and new authorities are same should not return a record to highlight ‑ Given useHighlightEditedRecord when previous and new authorities are same should not return a record to highlight
Given useHighlightEditedRecord when previous authorities are empty should not return a record to highlight ‑ Given useHighlightEditedRecord when previous authorities are empty should not return a record to highlight
Given useHighlightEditedRecord when there are more than one records that differ by headingRef should return record that matches by id, authRefType and headingType ‑ Given useHighlightEditedRecord when there are more than one records that differ by headingRef should return record that matches by id, authRefType and headingType
Given useHighlightEditedRecord when there is a selected record in new authorities should not return a record to highlight ‑ Given useHighlightEditedRecord when there is a selected record in new authorities should not return a record to highlight
Given useHighlightEditedRecord when there is only one record that differs by headingRef should return that record to highlight ‑ Given useHighlightEditedRecord when there is only one record that differs by headingRef should return that record to highlight
Given useMarcSource should fetch source file ‑ Given useMarcSource should fetch source file
Given useMarcSource when `enabled` param is false should not send a request ‑ Given useMarcSource when `enabled` param is false should not send a request
Given useUsers should fetch users with correct ids ‑ Given useUsers should fetch users with correct ids
Given useUsers when ids parameter contains new data should make a new request ‑ Given useUsers when ids parameter contains new data should make a new request
ReferencesFilter should call 'onChange' when filter was changed ‑ ReferencesFilter should call 'onChange' when filter was changed
ReferencesFilter should render filter with specified options ‑ ReferencesFilter should render filter with specified options
ReferencesFilter should render with no axe errors ‑ ReferencesFilter should render with no axe errors
ReferencesFilter when navigation segment is Browse should not show exclude see from also option ‑ ReferencesFilter when navigation segment is Browse should not show exclude see from also option
SharedFilter should call 'onFilterChange' when filter was changed ‑ SharedFilter should call 'onFilterChange' when filter was changed
SharedFilter should clear the selected options by clicking on the clear button ‑ SharedFilter should clear the selected options by clicking on the clear button
SharedFilter should render filter with specified options ‑ SharedFilter should render filter with specified options
SharedFilter should render with no axe errors ‑ SharedFilter should render with no axe errors
SharedIcon should render shared icon ‑ SharedIcon should render shared icon
buildHeadingTypeQuery should return a query string for heading type based on search index ‑ buildHeadingTypeQuery should return a query string for heading type based on search index
buildHeadingTypeQuery should return an empty string if the search index does not match the heading type ‑ buildHeadingTypeQuery should return an empty string if the search index does not match the heading type
filterConfig createdDate filter should call buildDateRangeQuery ‑ filterConfig createdDate filter should call buildDateRangeQuery
filterConfig headingType filter should return correct search string ‑ filterConfig headingType filter should return correct search string
filterConfig references filter should return correct search string when 'excludeSeeFrom' is selected ‑ filterConfig references filter should return correct search string when 'excludeSeeFrom' is selected
filterConfig references filter should return correct search string when 'excludeSeeFromAlso' is selected ‑ filterConfig references filter should return correct search string when 'excludeSeeFromAlso' is selected
filterConfig references filter should return correct search string when both 'excludeSeeFrom' and 'excludeSeeFromAlso' are selected ‑ filterConfig references filter should return correct search string when both 'excludeSeeFrom' and 'excludeSeeFromAlso' are selected
filterConfig subjectHeadings filter should return correct search string ‑ filterConfig subjectHeadings filter should return correct search string
filterConfig updatedDate filter should call buildDateRangeQuery ‑ filterConfig updatedDate filter should call buildDateRangeQuery
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Browse lookup when there is a single record and isExactMatch is false should not be open ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Browse lookup when there is a single record and isExactMatch is false should not be open
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Browse lookup when there is a single record and it is not anchor should not be open ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Browse lookup when there is a single record and it is not anchor should not be open
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Browse lookup when there is a single record should be opened automatically ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Browse lookup when there is a single record should be opened automatically
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when closing an open single record should not reopen record`s detail view ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when closing an open single record should not reopen record`s detail view
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when records are loading should not open record`s detail view ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when records are loading should not open record`s detail view
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when the single record is anchor should not be open ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when the single record is anchor should not be open
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a record ID in URL and closing the opened single record should not reopen record`s detail view ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a record ID in URL and closing the opened single record should not reopen record`s detail view
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a record ID in URL and it is mount (page reload or redirection from quick marc) should not open record`s detail view ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a record ID in URL and it is mount (page reload or redirection from quick marc) should not open record`s detail view
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a record ID in URL should not open record`s detail view ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a record ID in URL should not open record`s detail view
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a single record should be opened automatically ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is a single record should be opened automatically
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is an auto-opened record, and then multiple records are requested and then a previously auto-opened record is requested again should be auto-opened ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is an auto-opened record, and then multiple records are requested and then a previously auto-opened record is requested again should be auto-opened
useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is more than one record should not open record`s detail view ‑ useAutoOpenDetailView hook Given Search lookup when there is more than one record should not open record`s detail view
useDidUpdate hook should not call callback after just mounting ‑ useDidUpdate hook should not call callback after just mounting
useDidUpdate hook when a dependency changes should call callback ‑ useDidUpdate hook when a dependency changes should call callback
useSectionToggle hook should invert section state ‑ useSectionToggle hook should invert section state
useSectionToggle hook should set all sections state to expanded ‑ useSectionToggle hook should set all sections state to expanded
useSectionToggle hook should set passed state ‑ useSectionToggle hook should set passed state
useUserTenantPermissions should fetch user permissions for specified tenant ‑ useUserTenantPermissions should fetch user permissions for specified tenant