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Controllers and Routing

mike edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 5 revisions

On this page:

1 Routing

2 Controllers

3 Guard methods

4 Around filters

5 Data

6 Wrappers

Before reading, let's see small example:

"route-part":   (ev) ->
    ^             ^      
  path       controller action

And first all about route-part


The main method of application. From routing usually starts all flows in the application. A route is an event in a browser, like a click. The route is a timer, like a setTimeout. The route is an URL change.

event routing

Any event may be a part of the route:

click #my-element  
keyup body 
dblclick .my-button 
click li input[type='text']

As you can see, a common rule for event routing is the first event name, second element selector (class, id, or tag).

"click: #my-element"
   ^        ^
  event   selector  

custom event routing

Custom events defined as



Pretty simple, right?


If you want to run some actions (function) periodically or only once, after some time, then you should use this kind of routing, rule:

timer-keyword wait-time-unit time-unit   

1 timer-keyword is

1.1 once - run only once, setTimeout

1.2 every - run every time-unit setInterval

1.3 scheduler - alias for every

  1. wait-time-unit is time before action will be called. Number + time unit, time unit is: m for minutes, s for seconds, and ms for milliseconds

  2. time-unit - is time for run action.


every 1m - run action every 1 minute
once 1m - run with timeout 1 minute
every 1m 10s - run action every 10 seconds, before the first run wait 1 minute

URL changes

Url changes are of two kinds.


Sirius support url parts:


all this parts :id, [0-9]+, :param1, :param2 will be passed in controller. For example /book/:id match url /book/my-id, and my-id will be passed in controller. /book/[0-9]+ match url /book/123, and 123 will be passed in controller, /books/* matched url /books/123/asd/uuid, and [123, asd, uuid] will be passed in controller.

This is all about routing.


A controller in Sirius is function or object with functions.

"click button": (ev) -> 
                controller is a function

"click button": { controller: MyController, action: "on_click_action" } 
                                ^                         ^
                             object         with      function

# and definition like

MyController =
  on_click_action: (ev) -> 
    console.log("click :)")

guards methods

Sometimes, we need call actions, only if some condition is performed. For this Sirius have guard methods for routing:

For example, run action only if user click some button:

"keyup body" : {controller: MyController, action: "my_action", guard: my_guard_method}

MyController = 
  my_guard_method: (ev) ->
    ev.keyCode == MY_KYE_CODE

And now, my_actions will be called, only if my_guard_method return true, otherwise, the method will be ignored.

around filters

If you want to call some callback before action or after, use around filters

"click button": {controller: MyController, action: "my_action", before: "run_before", after: "run_after"}

And now, before my_action and after my_action, Sirius will be called around filters

Control flow: click -> run_before -> my_action -> run_after


Usually you need get some data from target element on some event, for this you can use data:

<div id="my-element" data-id="123", data-name="example">click me</div>

"click #my-element": {controller: MyController, action: "click", data: ["data-id", "data-name"]}

MyController =
  click: (ev, id, name) -> 
    console.log(id)    # => 123
    console.log(name)  # => example

On click event, all necessary information will be passed to a controller action.


Loggers, or another helped methods (ajax, conversion), always used in controllers. How to easily share it between controllers?

ControllerWrapper = 
  ajax: new MyAjaxServiceInstance()
  localStorageDao: new LocalStorageDao()
  someService: new MyService()

# then
  controller_wrapper: ControllerWrapper

# and now, in any controller action:
# instead of ControllerWrapper.ajax or something like this, you can use

MyController =
  my_action: () ->
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