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MortalClient: a continuation of a continuation of JourneyClient

GNU AGPL v3+ C++17 standard clang++ version Global Maplestory version 83


JourneyClient is a custom, made-from-scratch game client for Maplestory. JourneyClient is written in C++ and was created by Daniel Allendorf in 2015.

The LibreMaple project aimed to make a version of Maplestory that is 100% free and open on both the server and client sides, to preserve the freedom of its users and enable creativity and collaboration around the game. As such, the LibreMaple project took the JourneyClient as a starting point.

LibreMaple aimed also to make the client cross-platform (GNU+Linux/macOS/Windows NT/FreeBSD/etc.) as well, so decisions were and are made with a cross-platform mindset as well as a free software one.

MortalClient continues the work of LibreMaple, taking it in a further direction of rectifying the game's flaws for our future selves and future generations.

Supported versions

The client is intended to be quasi-conformant with GMS version 83. For the UI file (UI.nx), one from GMS version 154+ should be used.

The corresponding server code is called MortalMS.

How to compile/install

Unix-like systems excluding macOS (GNU+Linux, FreeBSD, etc.) (may also work for Unix-like Windows subsystems like Cygwin, MinGW, or WSL)


  • clang (version 8+)
  • lld (version 8+)
  • llvm (version 8+, including any "tools" or "runtime")
  • cmake (version 3.10+)
  • make (GNU Make version 4+)
  • git
  • wget
  • tar
  • unzip
  • autoconf
  • libtool
  • sh or bash
  • SDL2 / sdl2 / sdl2-dev / libsdl2 / libsdl2-dev
  • SDL2_mixer / sdl2_mixer / libsdl2-mixer / libsdl2-mixer-dev
  • glut / freeglut / freeglut3, freeglut3-dev (an implementation of GLUT, including development files, version 3)
  • libXmu / libxmu (including the "development" version, if that's separate)
  • libXi / libxi (including the "development" version)
  • libgl-dev / libgl1-mesa-dev / libgl / mesa / libGL-devel (implementation of OpenGL with development files)
  • libosmesa-dev / libosmesa / osmesa (skip this if your package manager doesn't have it)
  • xorg / xorg-dev / xorg-server-devel (Xorg development libraries)
  • build-essential (for users of Debian-based distibutions only)
  • ninja (technically optional, you can simply not pass -GNinja to cmake to use Make instead)
  • ccache (optional, for faster build times)

(Note for Solus users: sudo eopkg it -c system.devel)

Most of these dependencies should be available from your package manager (pacman, apt, dnf, zypper, pkg, xbps-install, eopkg, yum, etc.), but for all dependencies listed with a version number, make sure to check that the version your package manager gives you is high enough. If your package manager doesn't have something or doesn't have a high enough version, you may have to install it using instructions from the relevant website and/or use auxilliary package management (yaourt, PPAs, copr, etc.).


$ git clone
$ git clone nlnx

# The next command is probably best replaced by navigating to
# and downloading from there to get the latest stable version of ASIO.
$ wget
$ mkdir asio
$ tar xf asio-* --strip-components=1 -C asio/
$ rm asio-*

$ git clone

# Again, the following command can be replaced by just going to
# and downloading the latest version of GLEW.
$ wget
$ mkdir glew
$ tar xf glew-* --strip-components=1 -C glew/
$ rm glew-*

$ git clone git:// freetype

$ git clone

# Again, the following command can be replaced by just going to
# and downloading the latest version of Boost.
$ wget
$ tar xf boost*
$ rm boost*.tar.bz2
$ mv boost*/ boost/

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ export CC='/usr/bin/clang'
$ export CXX='/usr/bin/clang++'

$ cd freetype
$ sh
$ ./configure
$ make -j
$ cd ..

$ cd glew
$ make -j
$ cd ..

$ cd glfw
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -GNinja ..
$ ninja
$ cd ../..

$ cd lz4
$ make -j
$ cd ..

$ cd MortalClient
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
# Build type may also be `Release`, `RelWithDebInfo`, or `MinSizeRel`.
# Additionally, pass in the argument `-DNATIVE_BUILD=1` if you desire a native-
# only build (`-march=native`).
# Specify `-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache` if you are using ccache.
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -GNinja ..
# Or `ninja -jN` with N being the number of CPU cores you wish to utilize.
$ ninja
# For `Release` and `MinSizeRel` builds only:
$ strip JourneyClient

If all this is successful, you should have the executable in your current directory (MortalClient/build).



  • macOS Command Line Tools (can be installed using xcode-select --install, includes clang, git, make, and some things needed for basic clang functionality)
  • Homebrew
  • llvm (brew install llvm)
  • cmake (brew install cmake)
  • wget (brew install wget)
  • autoconf (brew install autoconf)
  • libtool (brew install libtool; the macOS CL tools come with a libtool, but this installs the GNU version with 'g' prefix e.g. glibtoolize)
  • SDL2 (brew install sdl2)
  • SDL2_mixer (brew install sdl2_mixer)
  • freeglut (brew install freeglut; may require you to separately install XQuartz, one way to do this is brew cask install xquartz)
  • freetype (brew install freetype)
  • ninja (brew install ninja; technically optional, you can simply not pass -GNinja to cmake to use Make instead)
  • ccache (optional, for faster build times; brew install ccache)


$ git clone
$ git clone nlnx

# The next command is probably best replaced by navigating to
# and downloading from there to get the latest stable version of ASIO.
$ wget
$ mkdir asio
$ tar xf asio-* --strip-components=1 -C asio/
$ rm asio-*

$ git clone

# Again, the following command can be replaced by just going to
# and downloading the latest version of GLEW.
$ wget
$ mkdir glew
$ tar xf glew-* --strip-components=1 -C glew/
$ rm glew-*

$ git clone

# Again, the following command can be replaced by just going to
# and downloading the latest version of Boost.
$ wget
$ tar xf boost*
$ rm boost*.tar.bz2
$ mv boost*/ boost/

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ git clone

$ export CC='clang'
$ export CXX='clang++'

$ cd glew
$ make
$ cd ..

$ cd glfw
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ../..

$ cd lz4
$ make
$ cd ..

$ cd MortalClient
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
# Build type may also be `Release`, `RelWithDebInfo`, or `MinSizeRel`.
# Additionally, pass in the argument `-DNATIVE_BUILD=1` if you desire a native-
# only build (`-march=native`).
# Specify `-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache` if you are using ccache.
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -GNinja ..
# Or `ninja -jN` with N being the number of CPU cores you wish to utilize.
$ ninja
# For `Release` and `MinSizeRel` builds only:
$ strip JourneyClient

If all this is successful, you should have the executable in your current directory (MortalClient/build). However, it probably will not run right away, since the paths that the executable looks for dylibs on will be wrong.

In order to fix this, gather up the following files, copying them to wherever you find most appropriate if desired (you may want to put them all into the same directory as the executable for ease of use). All paths shown here are relative to the base directory where you cloned all of the repos and extracted the tarballs:

  • libGLEW.dylib (found as glew/lib/libGLEW.dylib, this should be a symlink to libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib or something like that, so be aware)
  • liblz4.dylib (found as lz4/lib/liblz4.dylib, this should be a symlink to liblz4.1.9.2.dylib or something like that, so be aware)

Now that you have the locations of these dylibs, you can change the executable to point to them. Like this, for example:

$ install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib ./libGLEW.2.1.0.dylib JourneyClient
$ install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/liblz4.1.dylib ./liblz4.1.9.2.dylib JourneyClient

Windows NT (Windows 7, 8, 10+) (64-bit only, i.e. amd64/x86_64)



In the below instructions, you can replace the link with the latest version of the dependencies to download them. But if any of them has a major change, you have to edit this project to support it. Most of the time only need to change the lib and include paths of it in CMakeLists.txt. Sometimes need to change the whole project, everywhere the project including or calling it. Thanks to multiline editing and multifile editing in mordern editor, it won't take much times. May happen when try to support newer version of tinyutf8.

git clone
git clone nlnx
git clone
git clone
git clone --branch v4.4.3

curl -LJO
7z x SDL2*.zip
del SDL2*.zip
move SDL2* SDL2

curl -LJO
7z x SDL2_mixer*.zip
del SDL2_mixer*.zip
move SDL2_mixer* SDL2_mixer

curl -LJO
7z x asio*.zip
del asio*.zip
move asio* asio

curl -LJO
7z x glfw*.zip
del glfw*.zip
move glfw* glfw

curl -LJO
7z x glew*.zip
del glew*.zip
move glew* glew

curl -LJO
7z x boost*.zip
del boost*.zip
move boost* boost

There are two dependencies we need to build them ourselves, freetype and lz4.
freetype: No .pdb file in official release.
lz4: Official release is builded by MinGW and it's not compatilbe to MSVC.
Make a .bat file instead of run the commands directly in cmd so that it will not stop after cmake command.

curl -LJO
7z x
move freetype* freetype_src
cd freetype_src
cmake -B build -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=true -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build
cd ..
md freetype\demos\win64 "freetype\release dll\win64" "freetype\release static\vs2015-2022\win64"
move freetype_src\ChangeLog freetype\ChangeLog.txt
move freetype_src\docs\FTL.TXT freetype
move freetype_src\docs\GPLv2.TXT freetype
move freetype_src\LICENSE.TXT freetype
move freetype_src\README freetype\
move freetype_src\include freetype
copy freetype_src\build\Debug\freetyped.dll freetype\demos\win64
move freetype_src\build\Debug\freetyped.dll "freetype\release dll\win64"
copy freetype_src\build\Debug\freetyped.lib "freetype\release dll\win64"
move freetype_src\build\Debug\freetyped.exp "freetype\release static\vs2015-2022\win64"
move freetype_src\build\Debug\freetyped.lib "freetype\release static\vs2015-2022\win64"
move freetype_src\build\Debug\freetyped.pdb "freetype\release static\vs2015-2022\win64"
rmdir /Q /S freetype_src

git clone lz4_src
cd lz4_src\build\cmake
md build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T "LLVM_v142" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang.exe" ..
cmake --build . -- /v:d /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform=x64
cd ..\..\..\..
md lz4\dll lz4\example lz4\include lz4\static
move lz4_src\NEWS lz4
move lz4_src\ lz4
move lz4_src\build\cmake\build\Debug\lz4.exe lz4
move lz4_src\build\cmake\build\Debug\lz4.dll lz4\dll
move lz4_src\lib\dll\example\*.* lz4\example
move lz4_src\lib\xxhash.c lz4\example
move lz4_src\lib\xxhash.h lz4\example
move lz4_src\lib\lz4.h lz4\include
move lz4_src\lib\lz4frame.h lz4\include
move lz4_src\lib\lz4hc.h lz4\include
move lz4_src\build\cmake\build\Debug\lz4.exp lz4\static
move lz4_src\build\cmake\build\Debug\lz4.lib lz4\static
move lz4_src\build\cmake\build\Debug\lz4.pdb lz4\static
rmdir /Q /S lz4_src

Notice here that we assume the installation directory of LLVM is the default one. If you don't use the default installation directory, you will have to tweak CMakeLists.txt yourself:

SET CC="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang.exe"
SET CXX="C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin\clang++.exe"

cd MortalClient
md build
cd build

Use the following two commands if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is to be Debug (you may wish to add an additional /mN flag, with N being the number of CPU cores you wish to utilize for compilation)
Since you may need to build many times for debug purpose, I add a command at first to delete all the files generated in previous build:

del * /S /Q > nul
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -T "LLVM_v142" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang.exe" -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
cmake --build . -- /m:8 /v:d /property:Configuration=Debug /property:Platform=x64 > ..\..\out.txt

CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE here may also be Release, RelWithDebInfo, or MinSizeRel. If you want to use one of these build types, use these commands instead, setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to the desired value (we use Release here as an example):

$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T "LLVM-vs2017" -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang.exe" -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="C:/Program Files/LLVM/bin/clang++.exe" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ cmake --build . -- /v:d /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=x64

If all this is successful, you should have the executable (JourneyClient.exe) in MortalClient\build\Debug for debug builds, or MortalClient\build\Release for release build types. However, it probably will not run right away, since the paths that the executable looks for DLLs on will be wrong.

In order to fix this, gather up the following files, copying them to be right next to the executable. All paths shown here are relative to the base directory where you cloned all of the repos and extracted the ZIP files:

  • freetype.dll (found as freetype\win64\freetype.dll)
  • glew32.dll (found as glew\bin\Release\x64\glew32.dll)
  • liblz4.dll (found as lz4\dll\, the version number may be different and you will have to rename your copied version to liblz4.dll)


MortalClient is built against the latest stable version of Clang (nominally 8.0.1 as of this writing), again for cross-platform considerations and efficiency. The GCC (version 9.1.0 as of this writing) is another excellent choice, especially for those on GNU+Linux operating systems (or other OSs which default to GCC), but GCC is not officially supported by MortalClient.

That being said, don't be shy to file issues involving GCC or to make PRs to improve ease of use/compatibility with it.

C++ details

JourneyClient was originally developed under the C++14 standard. However, MortalClient strictly uses the C++17 standard and makes use of C++17 features.

In addition, this project (sort of) follows the ISO C++ Core Guidelines. A complete copy of the guidelines is available here.

More specific guidelines can be found in "".


The build can be configured by editing the Journey.h file. The following options are available:

  • JOURNEY_USE_CRYPTO : Use cryptography when communicating for the server.
  • JOURNEY_USE_XXHASH : Use xxhash for file check (additional dependency)
  • JOURNEY_USE_ASIO : Use Asio for networking (additional dependency)

MortalClient uses crypto (JOURNEY_USE_CRYPTO), and also uses ASIO (JOURNEY_USE_ASIO) to maintain cross-platform compatibility.


Category Dependency License Depends on Header only? Optional?
(De)compression LZ4 BSD 2-Clause - No No
Error checking xxHash BSD 2-Clause - No Yes
NX library NoLifeNX AGPL v3+ LZ4 No No
Graphics GLFW3 zlib/libpng OpenGL support No No
Graphics GLEW Modified BSD/MIT OpenGL support No No
Graphics FreeType FreeType - No No
Audio SDL2_mixer zlib/libpng SDL2 No No
Networking Asio (standalone; no Boost) Boost - Yes No
PRNG PCG (C++ implementation) Apache 2.0/MIT - Yes No
Config cpptoml MIT - Yes No
General Boost (Bimap, Container) Boost - Yes No
Strings tinyutf8 BSD 3-Clause - No No



All MortalClient/LibreMaple/JourneyClient code is © 2015-2016 Daniel Allendorf, 2018-2019 LibreMaple Team, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or higher (GNU AGPL). See "LICENSE" for the full text.

That implies a few things. For one, that makes this work a work of free software, including both the source code and any binaries created from it. According to the Free Software Foundation:

A program is free software if the program's users have the four essential freedoms:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

As the above text implies, derived/modified works are encouraged, and due to the nature of the GNU AGPL, all such works are free software as well (also licensed under the GNU AGPL).


FLOSS MapleStory client (GMS v83)







No packages published


  • C++ 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%