Developed during the 2nd edition of Alura's Imersão React and deployed with Vercel. This quiz tests your knowledge about Doctor Who and it is available at WhoQUIZ.
WhoQuiz is a web quiz application. The user can test his knowledge by trying to answer some questions about Doctor Who. These questions are randomly selected from a JSON file that acts like our database. By the end of the test, the user receives his results.
A user can also open another Quiz in the same app. This functionality reads the questions from other JSON using fetch-API. WhoQuiz also exports the db.json so other apps can read and display our questions.
Imersão React was an amazing opportunity to improve my knowledge of some powerful technologies. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of room for improvement. In this section, I'll keep you updated as new features are introduced.
- Questions are now randomly selected from the database. Now the game still interesting even after you've played a couple of times.
- (✔Solved) There was a bug that prevented the user from select the same alternative from the last question.
- Clone this repository:
git clone
To run the application just open the directory and execute the commands below:
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Run application:
yarn dev
The software is available under the MIT License.
E-mail: [email protected] | LinkedIn: fm4teus