The build process for the main application is relatively simple. Just navigate to the /suffixtree/suffixtree/ and run make. The Makefile will generate a ../bin directory, and populate it with the executable.
To run the application access the ../bin directory and run ./suffixtree. The application will prompt your for a string of text to process. This can be manually entered or pasted in from another source.
Once the text has been provided for processing, a menu will appear. There will be several options available, all of which are quite self explanitory.
- View Suffix Array
- Produces a suffix array for the given processed text.
- View LCP Array
- Produces an LCP array for the given processed text.
- View Suffix Tree
- Produces a suffix tree for the given processed text.
- Get Longest Substring
- Finds the longest common substring in the given processed text.
- Substring Query
- Locates a substring within the given text, you will be prompted for input.
- Get All Substrings
- Produces a list of all occurences of a substring in the processed text, you will be prompted for input.
- Exit
- Exits the program.