You need to require Symfony 4.* or 5.* for use this bundle. (and Easyadmin 3.* for the easier installation)
This bundle retrieves user information. You must ask permission from your users to use this bundle legally. Any negligence in the strict application of the recommended procedures relieves us of all responsibility for their use.
composer require fluffy-factory/user-stats-bundle
You can create your own configuration in config/packages/fluffy_user_stats.yaml
exclude_route: ["liip_imagine_filter"]
user_stat_enabled: true
max_month_before_archive: 6
user_stat_max_result: 2000
Add mixin Class use UserStats
in your User entity
class User
### ADD THIS ###
use UserStats;
Make a database schema update
php bin/console d:s:u --force
Install assets
php bin/console assets:install
Create routes file config/routes/fluffy_user_stats.yaml
with the below config:
resource: "@UserStatsBundle/Controller/UserStatsController.php"
type: annotation
# prefix: /admin
If you have a lot of users and the data table is getting too big; you can archive your data older than 6 months (by default) in a data table named user_stats_lines_archives.
To archive you need to use the command make:user:stats:archive
You can change the number of months archived :
# config/packages/fluffy_user_stats.yaml
# number of months before the data is archived
max_month_before_archive: 6
Add custom actions in your entity configuration
$userStats = Action::new('userStats', 'Statistiques utilisateur')
->linkToRoute('fluffy_user_stats', function (User $entity) {
return [
'id' => $entity->getId()
return parent::configureActions($actions)
->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, $userStats)
->setPermission('userStats', 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN');