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Offline Mask Tool

kubotat edited this page May 12, 2020 · 1 revision

Offline Tool

The offline tool is also provided to generate the mask on single file for non-fluentd environment.

Arguments of online tool:

# ruby diagtool_offline.rb --help
Usage: diagtool_offline.rb -i INPUT_FILE -m {yes | no} -e {word1,[word2...]} -f {listfile} -s {hash seed}
    -i, --input FILE                 Input file
    -d, --directory DIRECTORY        Directpry of input file
    -m, --mask YES|NO                Enable mask function (Default=True)
    -e, --exclude-list LIST          Provide a list of exclude words which will to be masked (Default=None)
    -f, --exclude-file FILE          provide a file which describes a List of exclude words (Default=None)
    -s, --hash-seed seed             provide a word which will be used when generate the mask (Default=None)
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