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🥭 Mango

MongoDB query plugin and repository API for in-memory object collections

TypeScript tested with jest


Getting Started
Built With

Getting Started

MongoDB query plugin and repository API for in-memory object collections.

  • run aggregation pipelines
  • execute searches (with query criteria and URL queries)
  • parse and convert URL query objects and strings
  • perform CRUD operations on repositories
  • validate collection objects


  1. Create or edit an .npmrc file with the following information:

  2. Add project to dependencies

    yarn add @flex-development/mango # or npm i @flex-development/mango


Mango Finder
Mango Repository
Mango Validator


Environment Variables

  • DEBUG: Toggle debug logs from the mango namespace
  • DEBUG_COLORS: Toggle debug log namespace colors


The MangoFinder and MangoFinderAsync plugins integrate with mingo, a MongoDB query language for in-memory objects, to support aggregation pipelines and executing searches.

Operators loaded by Mango can be viewed in the config file. If additional operators are needed, load them before creating a new plugin.


For shorter import paths, TypeScript users can add the following aliases:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@mango": ["node_modules/@flex-development/mango/index"],
      "@mango/*": ["node_modules/@flex-development/mango/*"]

These aliases will be used in following code examples.

Mango Finder

The Mango Finder plugins allow users to run aggregation pipelines and execute searches against in-memory object collections. Query documents using a URL query, or search for them using a query criteria and options object.

Plugin Documentation

 * `AbstractMangoFinder` plugin interface.
 * Used to define class contract of `MangoFinder`, `MangoFinderAsync`, and
 * possible derivatives.
 * See:
 * -
 * -
 * @template D - Document (collection object)
 * @template U - Name of document uid field
 * @template P - Search parameters (query criteria and options)
 * @template Q - Parsed URL query object
 * @extends IAbstractMangoFinderBase
export interface IAbstractMangoFinder<
  D extends ObjectPlain = ObjectUnknown,
  U extends string = DUID,
  P extends MangoSearchParams<D> = MangoSearchParams<D>,
  Q extends MangoParsedUrlQuery<D> = MangoParsedUrlQuery<D>
> extends IAbstractMangoFinderBase<D, U> {
    pipeline?: OneOrMany<AggregationStages<D>>
  ): OrPromise<AggregationPipelineResult<D>>
  find(params?: P): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U>[]>
  findByIds(uids?: UID[], params?: P): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U>[]>
  findOne(uid: UID, params?: P): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U> | null>
  findOneOrFail(uid: UID, params?: P): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U>>
  query(query?: Q | string): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U>[]>
    uids?: UID[],
    query?: Q | string
  ): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U>[]>
    uid: UID,
    query?: Q | string
  ): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U> | null>
  queryOneOrFail(uid: UID, query?: Q | string): OrPromise<DocumentPartial<D, U>>
  setCache(collection?: D[]): OrPromise<MangoCacheFinder<D>>
  uid(): string

 * Base `AbstractMangoFinder` plugin interface.
 * Used to define properties of `MangoFinder`, `MangoFinderAsync`, and
 * possible derivatives.
 * @template D - Document (collection object)
 * @template U - Name of document uid field
export interface IAbstractMangoFinderBase<
  D extends ObjectPlain = ObjectUnknown,
  U extends string = DUID
> {
  readonly cache: Readonly<MangoCacheFinder<D>>
  readonly logger: Debugger
  readonly mingo: typeof mingo
  readonly mparser: IMangoParser<D>
  readonly options: MangoFinderOptions<D, U>


A document is an object from an in-memory collection. Each document should have a unique identifier (uid).

By default, this value is assumed to map to the id field of each document, but can be changed via the plugin settings.

import type { MangoParsedUrlQuery, MangoSearchParams } from '@mango/types'

export interface IPerson {
  email: string
  first_name: string
  last_name: string

export type PersonUID = 'email'
export type PersonParams = MangoSearchParams<IPerson>
export type PersonQuery = MangoParsedUrlQuery<IPerson>

Creating a New Finder

Both the MangoFinder and MangoFinderAsync plugins accept an options object thats gets passed down to the mingo and qs-to-mongo modules.

Via the options dto, you can:

  • set initial collection cache
  • set uid field for each document
  • set date fields and fields searchable by text
import { MangoFinder, MangoFinderAsync } from '@mango'
import type { MangoFinderOptionsDTO } from '@mango/dto'

const options: MangoFinderOptionsDTO<IPerson, PersonUID> = {
  cache: {
    collection: [
        email: '[email protected]',
        first_name: 'Nate',
        last_name: 'Maxstead'
        email: '[email protected]',
        first_name: 'Roland',
        last_name: 'Brisseau'
        email: '[email protected]',
        first_name: 'Kippar',
        last_name: 'Smidmoor'
        email: '[email protected]',
        first_name: 'Godfree',
        last_name: 'Durnford'
        email: '[email protected]',
        first_name: 'Madelle',
        last_name: 'Fauguel'
  mingo: { idKey: 'email' },
  parser: {
    fullTextFields: ['first_name', 'last_name']

export const PeopleFinder = new MangoFinder<IPerson, PersonUID>(options)
export const PeopleFinderA = new MangoFinderAsync<IPerson, PersonUID>(options)

Note: All properties are optional.

To learn more about qs-to-mongo options, see Options from the package documentation. Note that the objectIdFields and parameters options are not accepted by the MangoParser.

Mango Repository

The Mango Repositories extend the Mango Finder plugins and allow users to perform write operations on an object collection.

Repository Documentation

 * `AbstractMangoRepository` class interface.
 * Used to define class contract of `MangoRepository`, `MangoRepositoryAsync`,
 * and possible derivatives.
 * @template E - Entity
 * @template U - Name of entity uid field
 * @template P - Repository search parameters (query criteria and options)
 * @template Q - Parsed URL query object
 * @extends IAbstractMangoFinder
 * @extends IAbstractMangoRepositoryBase
export interface IAbstractMangoRepository<
  E extends ObjectPlain = ObjectUnknown,
  U extends string = DUID,
  P extends MangoSearchParams<E> = MangoSearchParams<E>,
  Q extends MangoParsedUrlQuery<E> = MangoParsedUrlQuery<E>
> extends Omit<IAbstractMangoFinder<E, U, P, Q>, 'cache' | 'options'>,
    IAbstractMangoRepositoryBase<E, U> {
  clear(): OrPromise<boolean>
  create(dto: CreateEntityDTO<E>): OrPromise<E>
  delete(uid?: OneOrMany<UID>, should_exist?: boolean): OrPromise<UID[]>
  patch(uid: UID, dto?: PatchEntityDTO<E>, rfields?: string[]): OrPromise<E>
  setCache(collection?: E[]): OrPromise<MangoCacheRepo<E>>
  save(dto?: OneOrMany<EntityDTO<E>>): OrPromise<E[]>

 * Base `AbstractMangoRepository` class interface.
 * Used to define properties of `MangoRepository`, `MangoRepositoryAsync`,
 * and possible derivatives.
 * @template E - Entity
 * @template U - Name of entity uid field
 * @extends IAbstractMangoFinderBase
export interface IAbstractMangoRepositoryBase<
  E extends ObjectPlain = ObjectUnknown,
  U extends string = DUID
> extends IAbstractMangoFinderBase<E, U> {
  readonly cache: MangoCacheRepo<E>
  readonly options: MangoRepoOptions<E, U>
  readonly validator: IMangoValidator<E>

Modeling Entities

Before creating a new repository, a model needs to be created.

For the next set of examples, the model User will be used.

import { IsStrongPassword, IsUnixTimestamp } from '@mango/decorators'
import type { MangoParsedUrlQuery, MangoSearchParams } from '@mango/types'
import {
} from 'class-validator'
import type { IPerson, PersonUID } from './people'

export interface IUser extends IPerson {
  created_at: number
  password: string
  phone?: string
  updated_at?: number

export type UserParams = MangoSearchParams<IUser>
export type UserQuery = MangoParsedUrlQuery<IUser>

export class User implements IUser {
  created_at: IUser['created_at']

  email: IUser['email']

  first_name: IUser['first_name']

  last_name: IUser['last_name']

  password: IUser['password']

  phone?: IUser['phone']

  updated_at: IUser['updated_at']

For more information about validation decorators, see the class-validator package.

Mango also exposes a set of custom decorators.

Creating a New Repository

The MangoRepository class accepts an options object that gets passed down to the MangoFinder and MangoValidator.

import { MangoRepository, MangoRepositoryAsync } from '@mango'
import type { MangoRepoOptionsDTO } from '@mango/dtos'

const options: MangoRepoOptionsDTO<IUser, PersonUID> = {
  cache: { collection: [] },
  mingo: { idKey: 'email' },
  parser: {
    fullTextFields: ['first_name', 'last_name']
  validation: {
    enabled: true,
    transformer: {},
    validator: {}

export const UsersRepo = new MangoRepository<IUser, PersonUID>(User, options)
export const UsersRepoA = new MangoRepositoryAsync<IUser, PersonUID>(

See Mango Validator for more information about validation options.

Mango Validator

The MangoValidator mixin allows for decorator-based model validation.

Under the hood, it uses class-transformer-validator.

Validator Documentation

 * `MangoValidator` mixin interface.
 * @template E - Entity
export interface IMangoValidator<E extends ObjectPlain = ObjectUnknown> {
  readonly enabled: boolean
  readonly model: ClassType<E>
  readonly model_name: string
  readonly tvo: Omit<MangoValidatorOptions, 'enabled'>
  readonly validator: typeof transformAndValidate
  readonly validatorSync: typeof transformAndValidateSync

  check<V extends unknown = ObjectPlain>(value?: V): Promise<E | V>
  checkSync<V extends unknown = ObjectPlain>(value?: V): E | V
  handleError(error: Error | ValidationError[]): Exception

Each repository has it owns validator, but the validator can be used standalone as well.

import { MangoValidator } from '@mango'
import type { MangoValidatorOptions } from '@mango/types'

const options: MangoValidatorOptions = {
  transformer: {},
  validator: {}

export const UsersValidator = new MangoValidator<IUser>(User, options)

Validation options will be merged with the following object:

import type { TVODefaults } from '@mango/types'

 * @property {TVODefaults} TVO_DEFAULTS - `class-transformer-validator` options
 * @see
export const TVO_DEFAULTS: TVODefaults = Object.freeze({
  transformer: {},
  validator: {
    enableDebugMessages: true,
    forbidNonWhitelisted: true,
    stopAtFirstError: false,
    validationError: { target: false, value: true },
    whitelist: true

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