A theme for the Pegasus frontend.
The genre filter theme is based on the Grid theme located here https://github.com/mmatyas/pegasus-theme-grid.
- Added Genre Filter
- Removed favorites filter
- Removed Multiplayer filter
- Changed some colors and moved around some text in Game Details
If you wish to install a copy of it manually, just download and extract it to your [theme directory] (http://pegasus-frontend.org/docs/user-guide/installing-themes). You can then select the theme in the settings menu of Pegasus.
To make the genre filter work metadata.pegasus.txt has to have genre meta data populated. games without a genre tag in metadata.pegasus.txt will simply appear under the ALL genre. genre tags should be single string with / or \ splitting up parent child genres. For example
genre: Sports/Hockey
- Sports/Baseball
- Sports/Hockey
- Sports/Football
The Genre Filter selector will be populated with
- Sports
- Sports/Baseball
- Sports/Hockey
- Sports/Football
In this way we can sub categorize games into common genres like Platform, Fighter, Arcade, Sports, etc. Genres can include #'s so something like 0Best will appear at top of Genre List to get into your favorites quick. Sorting is not case sensitive.
I never implemented a UI for config, however under theme_settings\pegasus-theme-genre-filter.json I did expose the fontsize for the genrefilter unselected text.
I default to large 32 Pixel font size for phone use. However on a Desktop it could go way smaller, so I exposed this prop to make it easy to change on different devices. The selected genre text is double this font size to make selection obvious.
- Swipe is not working on Genre Filter. It took forever to get mouse to work and I don't have a touch screen on dev environment so maybe some other time.