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atb1995 committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent 8a2550f commit e9e1360
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 0 deletions.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions integration-tests/model/
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
This script tests the non-split timestepper against the split timestepper
using an advection equation with a physics parametrisation.
One split method is tested, whilst different nonsplit IMEX and explicit time
discretisations are used for the dynamics and physics.

from firedrake import (SpatialCoordinate, PeriodicIntervalMesh, exp, as_vector,
norm, Constant, conditional, sqrt, VectorFunctionSpace)
from gusto import *
import pytest

def run_nonsplit_adv_physics(tmpdir, timestepper):
Runs the advection equation with a physics parametrisation using different timesteppers.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Set up model objects
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

# Domain
dt = 0.01
tmax = 0.75
L = 10
mesh = PeriodicIntervalMesh(20, L)
domain = Domain(mesh, dt, "CG", 1)

# Equation
V = domain.spaces("DG")
Vu = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
equation = ContinuityEquation(domain, V, "f", Vu=Vu)
spatial_methods = [DGUpwind(equation, "f")]

x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

# Add a source term to inject mass into the domain.
source_expression = -Constant(0.5)
physics_schemes = [(SourceSink(equation, "f", source_expression), SSPRK3(domain))]

# I/O
output = OutputParameters(dirname=str(tmpdir), dumpfreq=25)
io = IO(domain, output)

time_varying_velocity = False

# Time stepper
if timestepper == 'split':
# Split with no defined weights
dynamics_schemes = {'transport': ImplicitMidpoint(domain)}
term_splitting = ['transport', 'physics']
stepper = SplitTimestepper(equation, term_splitting, dynamics_schemes,
io, spatial_methods=spatial_methods,
elif timestepper == 'nonsplit_imex_rk':
# Split continuity term
equation = split_continuity_form(equation)
# Label terms as implicit and explicit
equation.label_terms(lambda t: not any(t.has_label(time_derivative, transport)), implicit)
equation.label_terms(lambda t: t.has_label(transport), explicit)
dynamics_schemes = IMEX_SSP3(domain)
stepper = PrescribedTransport(equation, dynamics_schemes,
io, time_varying_velocity,
elif timestepper == 'nonsplit_exp_rk':
dynamics_schemes = SSPRK3(domain)
stepper = PrescribedTransport(equation, dynamics_schemes,
io, time_varying_velocity,
elif timestepper == 'nonsplit_imex_sdc':
# Split continuity term
equation = split_continuity_form(equation)
# Label terms as implicit and explicit
equation.label_terms(lambda t: not any(t.has_label(time_derivative, transport)), implicit)
equation.label_terms(lambda t: t.has_label(transport), explicit)

node_type = "LEGENDRE"
qdelta_imp = "LU"
qdelta_exp = "FE"
quad_type = "RADAU-RIGHT"
M = 2
k = 2
base_scheme = IMEX_Euler(domain)
dynamics_schemes = SDC(base_scheme, domain, M, k, quad_type, node_type, qdelta_imp,
qdelta_exp, formulation="Z2N", final_update=True, initial_guess="base")
stepper = PrescribedTransport(equation, dynamics_schemes,
io, time_varying_velocity,
elif timestepper == 'nonsplit_exp_multistep':
dynamics_schemes = AdamsBashforth(domain, order=2)
stepper = PrescribedTransport(equation, dynamics_schemes,
io, time_varying_velocity,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Initial conditions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #

xc_init = 0.25 * L
xc_end = 0.75 * L
umax = 0.5 * L / tmax

# Get minimum distance on periodic interval to xc
x_init = conditional(sqrt((x[0] - xc_init) ** 2) < 0.5 * L,
x[0] - xc_init, L + x[0] - xc_init)

x_end = conditional(sqrt((x[0] - xc_end) ** 2) < 0.5 * L,
x[0] - xc_end, L + x[0] - xc_end)

f_init = 5.0
f_end = f_init
f_width_init = L / 10.0
f_width_end = f_width_init
f_init_expr = f_init * exp(-(x_init / f_width_init) ** 2)

# The end Gaussian should be advected by half the domain
# length and include more mass due to the source term.
f_end_expr = 0.5 + f_end * exp(-(x_end / f_width_end) ** 2)

f_end = stepper.fields('f_end', space=V)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Run
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #, tmax=tmax)

error = norm(stepper.fields('f') - f_end) / norm(f_end)

return error

@pytest.mark.parametrize("timestepper", ["split", "nonsplit_imex_rk", "nonsplit_imex_sdc",
"nonsplit_exp_rk", "nonsplit_exp_multistep"])
def test_nonsplit_adv_physics(tmpdir, timestepper):
Test the nonsplit timestepper in the advection equation with source physics.
tol = 0.12
error = run_nonsplit_adv_physics(tmpdir, timestepper)
assert error < tol, 'The nonsplit timestepper in the advection' + \
'equation with source physics has an error greater than ' + \
'the permitted tolerance'

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