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Firedrake meeting 2024 12 11

Robert Kirby edited this page Dec 11, 2024 · 6 revisions

Date and time 2024-12-01 1600 UTC

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (CW to pick)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. CW (formerly JB): Move TSFC to firedrake and move FInAT to FIAT
  4. ALL: do things with SV's branches
  5. DH: Email to Andreas to have 2 (+ others!!!) loopy PRs merged TODO: FIND OUT WHICH PRS THESE ARE
  6. DH: Get Firedrake a docker open source account (link here)
  7. DH: Talk to GregVernon about PR#2116.
  8. JB: Enable merge queues (minutes)
  9. LC: Try to merge RNH' PR: Movable VOM
  10. ANY: Add Python 3.13 to PyOP2, TSFC, FIAT, FInAT CI (and others?)
  11. PB: Profile and speed up some tests (minutes, minutes)
  12. RK: sort out Firedrake USA details and website before Christmas time



Apologies: JHC

RCK: Firedrake USA'25

  • I have a PR with the Web page that's approved, but it's failing CI tests for seemingly unrelated things like PyOP2 and TSFC.
  • Update: we have a travel support request form, are waiting on a business office person to give us a registration link.

CW: Testing strategy

Someone just reported that Firedrake fails with an int64 build. Since we don't test it we didn't notice. My proposal:

  • We should have a set of smoke tests that target a large surface where we encounter issues (e.g. libsupermesh, VoM, parallel, ...). This should take ~5 minutes to run (and we can even call it make check).
  • We can run a larger number of possible Firedrake configurations whenever we merge to master (e.g. int64, OpenMPI?, etc). We can also run them if we apply a sensible label like we do for MacOS (ci:macOS, ci:int64, etc). Using pip it only takes about 30 minutes for a workflow to run.

Merge PRs

Note that PRs put in this section should either be trivial or already have been reviewed. Discussion-worthy PRs should be separate agenda items.

RCK: Firedrake conference

KS:restricted function space with extrusion

DD: Enable measure options for Riesz representation

DD: Ensemble reduced functional arguments

DD: Document the Reduced functional args (pyadjoint)

DD: Options for Riesz represention solver (pyadjoint)

Date of next meeting

1600 UTC 2024-12-18


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