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Firedrake meeting 2022 09 08

JDBetteridge edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Date and time 2022-08-25 12:00UTC (13:00BST 22:00AEST)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (JB to pick).
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. JB: Look into updating the @parallel test marker (ongoing)
  4. DH: talk to Jemma about Firedrake 2022 (ongoing)
  5. JB: SIAM CSE23 Minisymposium/minisymposterium
  6. DH: Produce an MFE for "adjoint of Interp" issue - RESOLVED



Apologies: JB

Cache tlm computation for NonlinearVariationalSolveBlock

#2250: Extend #2201 to tangent linear model

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Next meeting: ?


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