Releases: fingerprintjs/fingerprint-pro-cloudfront-integration
Releases · fingerprintjs/fingerprint-pro-cloudfront-integration
test release for development purposes
2.0.0 (2024-05-16)
- use Node.js 20
- add ability to override API hosts in AWS Secret (11af4c4)
- add endpoints structure and error handlers (c473539)
- add event and ctx types (82c053b)
- add lambda function update (38b445f)
- add settings secret, update mgmt lambda permissions (#162) (ab3caa5)
- check CodeSha256 before upgrading consequent resources (7fdbd21)
- check version's state after Lambda@Edge function upgrade (12e5aad)
- do not throw error if the secret manager has unexpected key (c6e3078)
- improve error handling in mgmt-lambda (3736d14)
- increase timeout for Fingerprint lambda (1e0ae54)
- introduce deployment settings (ec13d5f)
- introduce mgmt-token scheme for authorization (#176) (c884027)
- mgmt-lambda-update: introduce error codes (6929756)
- pass AWS clients into handlers (1aa3dc8)
- remove fpjs_behavior_path variable (4c78f62)
- rework logging (#184) (a88941c)
- reworked getting env, updated tests (0b29764)
- rollout as a code (#161) (0636c1a)
- status endpoint: return necessary information about Lambda and CloudFront (2f3ceed)
- update all cache behavior that has fingerprint pro association (#186) (2970364)
- update lambda existence check (403680c)
- update package management (#189) (5135b1b)
- update secrets manager to V3, retrieve secret in mgmt-lambda (a60bee4)
- upgrade Lambda functions runtime to Node.js 20 (2818c30)
- use AWS SDK v3 Client mock for testing (0bb22ce)
- use revisionId for Lambda code deployment (934dd37)
Bug Fixes
- agent download requests did not keep custom queries (e9ee3c4)
- agent download request headers (b2dcb89)
- browser cache request headers (4569f5e)
- cache behavior origin matching logic (7b1ff11)
- check set log level if true (15d9d53)
- cloudformation template (#188) (a32e4ff)
- cloudfront update logic add attempt (106b332)
- don't set code 500 in status endpoint responses (b4a4d04)
- handle requests with trailing and leading slashes in URI (cabe27a)
- mgmt lambda counter bug (dbd4642)
- normalize secret before retrieving values (26ab35f)
- remove aws-sdk v2 usage (b1d0d72)
- remove CodePipeline client (ed7d52d)
- remove CodePipeline part from mgmt code (fb79578)
- remove FPJS_DEBUG header from the template (e58d6cd)
- set correct type for public URL events (379ec65)
- set log level (a02fbf9)
- treat request.uri as the path, not the URL (131f2b7)
- update handleResult tests with comparing hrefs (aeb49c8)
- update logging (07664bc)
- use default region for getting secret (ec596ec)
2.0.0-rc.2 (2024-05-15)
- do not throw error if the secret manager has unexpected key (c6e3078)
- remove fpjs_behavior_path variable (4c78f62)
Bug Fixes
- agent download reqs did not keep custom queries (e9ee3c4)
- agent download request headers (b2dcb89)
- browser cache req headers (4569f5e)
- cache behavior origin matching logic (7b1ff11)
- check set log level if true (15d9d53)
- cloudfront update logic add attempt (106b332)
- mgmt lambda counter bug (dbd4642)
- remove FPJS_DEBUG header from the template (e58d6cd)
- set log level (a02fbf9)
- treat request.uri as the path, not the URL (131f2b7)
2.0.0-rc.1 (2024-04-22)
- use node 20
- add ability to override API hosts in AWS Secret (11af4c4)
- add endpoints structure and error handlers (c473539)
- add event and ctx types (82c053b)
- add lambda function update (38b445f)
- add settings secret, update mgmt lambda permissions (#162) (ab3caa5)
- check CodeSha256 before upgrading consequent resources (7fdbd21)
- check version's state after Lambda@Edge function upgrade (12e5aad)
- improve error handling in mgmt-lambda (3736d14)
- increase timeout for Fingerprint lambda (1e0ae54)
- introduce deployment settings (ec13d5f)
- introduce mgmt-token scheme for authorization (#176) (c884027)
- mgmt-lambda-update: introduce error codes (6929756)
- pass AWS clients into handlers (1aa3dc8)
- rework logging (#184) (a88941c)
- reworked getting env, updated tests (0b29764)
- rollout as a code (#161) (0636c1a)
- status endpoint: return necessary information about Lambda and CloudFront (2f3ceed)
- update all cache behavior that has fingerprint pro association (#186) (2970364)
- update lambda existence check (403680c)
- update package management (#189) (5135b1b)
- update secrets manager to V3, retrieve secret in mgmt-lambda (a60bee4)
- upgrade Lambda functions runtime to Node 20 (2818c30)
- use AWS SDK v3 Client mock for testing (0bb22ce)
- use revisionId for Lambda code deployment (934dd37)
Bug Fixes
- cloudformation templatex (#188) (a32e4ff)
- don't set code 500 in status endpoint responses (b4a4d04)
- handle requests with trailing and leading slashes in URI (cabe27a)
- normalize secret before retrieving values (26ab35f)
- remove aws-sdk v2 usage (b1d0d72)
- remove CodePipeline client (ed7d52d)
- remove CodePipeline part from mgmt code (fb79578)
- set correct type for public URL events (379ec65)
- update handleResult tests with comparing hrefs (aeb49c8)
- update logging (07664bc)
- use default region for getting secret (ec596ec)