Command-line program which generates a BibTeX file from an individual's ORCID record.
- Concurrent downloading of works from ORCID using AIOHTTP
- Intelligent renaming of BibTeX keys (to avoid duplicates) using keyword extraction (YAKE) on work titles
Clone this repository to your local machine using git:
git clone
Navigate into directory containing the code:
cd orcid-to-bibtex
Now install the application's dependencies. It's recommended that you use Poetry to do this.
poetry install
Now activate a poetry shell and run the application:
poetry shell
python3 0000-0000-0000-1234
Replace 0000-0000-0000-1234, with the ORCID id of the individual whose works you would like to retrieve.
The application supports the following arguments:
-o The output path for the generated BibTeX file. A value must be specified.
--dl The maximum number of concurrent connections to ORCID's API. The default is 50.
--orderby How BibTeX entries should be sorted. Multiple fields can be specified. e.g. year title. The default is 'id'.
--indent The number of spaces each field in a given entry should be indented by. The default is 4 spaces.
--ssl Indicates whether SSL certificates should be validated or not. Default is true (meaning - certificates are validated).
- Get all works for the ORCID user with the ID '0000-0002-1543-0148' and save the file to 'my_pubs.bib':
python3 0000-0002-1543-0148 -o my_pubs.bib
- As with #1 (above), but entry details should be indented by 8 spaces (instead of the default - 4) and entries sorted by publication year, then title:
python3 0000-0002-1543-0148 -o my_pubs.bib --indent 8 --orderby year title