The Apache Cordova setup used to build filmadder's mobile app for Android.
You may need to install Java, Gradle, Android SDK, Apache Cordova, and probably other things as well. Please refer to Cordova's docs. If you do not have these already in place and you have not done this before, it may take some time and patience.
git clone filmadder/mobile
cd mobile
ln -s /path/to/filmadder/webapp/build www
npm install
cordova platform add android
Please note that you need filmadder's webapp source code; you can either symlink
it (as suggested in the snippet above) or copy it into the www
dir, depending
on what exactl you want to do.
To build an .apk (by default in platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/
cordova build
If you have a phone with USB debugging enabled, you can use adb
to quickly
deploy the .apk:
adb install -r platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk