- simple
- efficient
- back end system
for web app and *-as-a-server system
large-scale web app features:
- scalable
- vertical scaling: increasing cpu goroutine
- horizontal scaling: increasing machines layer: add a proxy layer
- modular easy to add/remove/modify feature easy to reusing modular components
- maintainable
- high performance
app: software program
web app:
- return html,(client render html and display to user)
- transport data by http
web service:
- not return html
- server for other program
app-level communication protocol
- stateless
- text-based
- request-response
- c/s
a request consists of a few line:
- request-line
- zero or more request headers
- an empty line
- the message body (optional)
GET /Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html HTTP/1.1 Host: www.w3.org User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (empty line) abc
request-line = request method + uri + http version request headers = a:b c:d
request method
- get: Tells the server to return the specified resource.
- head: The same as GET except that the server must not return a message body.
- post: Tells the server that the data in the message body should be passed to the resource identified by the URI .
- put: Tells the server that the data in the message body should be the resource at the given URI .
- delete: Tells the server to remove the resource identified by the URI .
- trace: Tells the server to return the request
- options: Tells the server to return a list of HTTP methods that the server supports.
- connect: Tells the server to set up a network connection with the client.
- patch: Tells the server that the data in the message body modifies the resource identified by the URI .
the result of 1 call = the result of 1000 times call
request header consists:
- info of request
- info of client
if request have a message, Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding is need
common http request headers:
- Accept: Content types that are acceptable by the client as part of the HTTP response.
- Accept-Charset: The character sets required from the server.
- Authorization: This is used to send Basic Authentication credentials to the server.
- Cookie: The client should send back cookies that were set by the calling server.
- Content-Length: The length of the request body in octets.
- Content-Type: The content type of the request body.
- Host: The name of the server, along with the port number.
- Referrer: The address of the previous page that linked to the requested page.
- User-Agent: Describes the calling client.
a response consists of a few line:
- a status line
- zero ro more response headers
- an empty line
- the message body (optional)
status line = status code + reason phrase
- 1xx: Informational. This tells the client that the server has already received the request and is processing it.
- 2xx: Success. This is what clients want; the server has received the request and has processed it successfully. The standard response in this class is 200 OK.
- 3xx: Redirection. This tells the client that the request is received and processed but the client needs to do more to complete the action.
- 4xx: Client Error. This tells the client that there’s something wrong with the request.
- 5xx: Server Error. This tells the client that there’s something wrong with the request but it’s the server’s fault.
common http response headers:
- Allow: Tells the client which request methods are supported by the server.
- Content-Length: The length of the response body in octets
- Content-Type: The content type of the response body
- Date: Tells the current time
- Location: This header is used with redirection, to tell the client where to request the next URL.
- Server: Domain name of the server that’s returning the response.
- Set-Cookie: Sets a cookie at the client.
- WWW-Authenticate: Tells header the client what type of authorization clients should supply in their Authorization request header.
- rui: name of resource
- rul: location of resource
RUI form:
< scheme name> : < hierarchical part> [ ? < query> ][ # < fragment> ]"
http://user:[email protected]/doc/file?name=test&ip=123#sum
- focuse on performance
- based on spdy/2
- binary protocol (http1.x base on text)
- full multiplexed
- compress the header
- allow server to push response to client
in go1.6 and after, http2 is default
- get a http request form client
- process the requet, do some work
- generate html and return it in an http response message
web app = handlers + template engine
receives and process the http request
call the template engine to generate the html and something about response
mvc(model-view-controller pattern) divide a arogram into three parts: model, view, controller model - underlaying data view - visualization of the model for the user controller - use input(from user) to modify the model model change --> view update automatically
mvc is a good way for web app, but is not the only way
come form ssi technology
there are two type of template with different design philosophies:
- static template or logic-less template use placeholder tokens no logic
- active template placehoder tokens + other programming language eg: jsp asp erb
web app的框架首推标准库中的net/htpp + html/template,其次是其他三方库, 为了避免货物崇拜编程,需要了解一下标准库中的一些规则(就像上面的cookie和session)
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error
// addr 网络地址,空字符串表示使用80端口
// handler 为nil,默认处理器(handler)就是默认复用器,DefaultServeMux
http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil); // 这个server未做配置
server := http.Server{Addr: ":80", Handler: nil,}
server.ListenAndServe() // 这个是通过Server结构体来配置server
在web app中(golang中),handler和handler function并不是一个, handler是一个接口:
type Handler interface {
ServeHTTP(ResponseWriter, *Request)
// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address addr and then calls
// Serve with handler to handle requests on incoming connections.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
// The handler is typically nil, in which case the DefaultServeMux is used.
// ListenAndServe always returns a non-nil error.
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error {
server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler}
return server.ListenAndServe()
// 用两个参数去初始化一个Server结构体,然后调用其中的方法
type Server struct {
Addr string // TCP address to listen on, ":http" if empty
Handler Handler // handler to invoke, http.DefaultServeMux if nil
// 如果Handler未指定,就默认取http.DefaultServeMux
// DefaultServeMux is the default ServeMux used by Serve.
var DefaultServeMux = &defaultServeMux
var defaultServeMux ServeMux
// 结构是ServeMux
func (mux *ServeMux) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request)
// 绕了一圈,DefaultServeMux是实现了Handler接口的
http.Handle("/hello", &hello)
用这个来指定对固定uri的处理,除了/是匹配所有,其他的都是完全匹配, 有一点差别都会报404, /hello/ 多了一个/也是404, 为啥设计时不考虑将/hello 和/hello/兼容呢? 最小惊讶原则
- 是一个接口
- 有一个方法来实现这个接口
- http.Handle(uri, &handler)来指定如何处理
什么是handler function:
- 和handler的功能类似
- 不是方法,不是接口,只是一个函数,参数和ServeHTTP一致
- http.HandleFunc(uri, handler function)来指定如何处理
// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
// The documentation for ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)
// 这个直接是使用了DefaultServeMux默认复用器
// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
if handler == nil {
panic("http: nil handler")
mux.Handle(pattern, HandlerFunc(handler))
// 实际上调用了ServeMux的方法
// 这个HandlerFunc,是一个函数类似,T(a)这种写法是类型转换
// 用处是将handler function 转换成Handler
// Handle registers the handler for the given pattern.
// If a handler already exists for pattern, Handle panics.
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
defer mux.mu.Unlock()
if pattern == "" {
panic("http: invalid pattern")
if handler == nil {
panic("http: nil handler")
if _, exist := mux.m[pattern]; exist {
panic("http: multiple registrations for " + pattern)
if mux.m == nil {
mux.m = make(map[string]muxEntry)
e := muxEntry{h: handler, pattern: pattern}
mux.m[pattern] = e
if pattern[len(pattern)-1] == '/' {
mux.es = appendSorted(mux.es, e)
if pattern[0] != '/' {
mux.hosts = true
// 这个就是将uri和handler成对保存起来
// 说白了就是一个handler注册过程,后面遇到对应的uri,调用不同的handler来处理
handler 和 handler function, 一个是接口,一个是函数, handler = HandleFunc(handler function),可使用类型转换直接转换
实际上使用的还是handler,但写法上,handler function简单很多,所以这就是原因
反过来,既然handler function很方便,为啥还要暴露出handler概念:
go 不是一个函数性的语言,但函数形语言的一些基本特征还是包括的:
函数类型,匿名函数, 闭包。
有个新的概念叫aop 和oop可以互补,aop 面向切面编程,属于设计模式的延伸, 其中有个概念叫cross-cutting concern,叫横切关注点, 映射到go中,就是日志handler,安全handler,等很多独立的功能handler, 只关注自己业务上的事,至于和其他业务模块联合起来,就是aop中的织网, 在go语言中,织网可以用chain(链式handler)来实现。
func xxx(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {}
A(B(C)), A(C) 按业务进行组合即可
链式的handler,可以非常长,也被称为 pipeline processing
func xxx(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
... // 做模块自己的事
h(w, r)
// 最后一个链式节点,使用方法(实现Handler的)
链式的handler和链式的handler function是一样的
除了默认的复用器,也有第三方的, ServeMux用来处理固定的uri是很合适的,处理动态uri就力有不怠
http2 需要使用https
RUI form:
< scheme name> : < hierarchical part> [ ? < query> ][ # < fragment> ]"
http://user:[email protected]/doc/file?name=test&ip=123#sum
RUL form:
eg: http://www.example.com/post?id=123&thread_id=456
query是k-v键值对,fragment在浏览器发送请求之前就被丢弃了,所以服务端不考虑这个, 但是非浏览器工具发送请求时,有可能有这个fragment,就需要做特殊处理了
type Header map[string][]string // 是一个map类型
// 主要4个基本方法,用于增删改查
func (h Header) Add(key, value string)
func (h Header) Del(key string)
func (h Header) Get(key string) string
func (h Header) Set(key, value string)
// Add和Set的区别
// Header的key是string, value是[]string 切片
// Set是先创建一个空白切片,切片的第一个值就是value
// Add是在切面后面追加
http消息体,用 Body io.ReadCloser来表示
Body io.ReadCloser
type ReadCloser interface {
type Reader interface {
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
type Closer interface {
Close() error
- Reader:用于读body
- Close:
http GET 请求不带消息体,POST才带,浏览器地址栏的请求都是GET请求, 如果要发post请求,只能用其他工具
http post一般会带一个表单,也就是form, 而request中message的组织有多种方式,都可由请求之前指定:
- 简单的文本,使用url编码格式
- 大数据(eg:file),使用multipart- MIME格式
- 二进制,使用base64编码格式
http get是没有消息体,也就是没有body的,她的参数都是加在url后面的
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- html/template